View Full Version : Fainting fear...help?

24-03-05, 15:49
Hi there,
Im just in need of a bit of reassurance really.My main fear/symptom of panic is that I will faint.During my attacks the light headedness was the main thing that freaked me out,but it went away quite alot as did the frequency/intensity of the attacks.I never have fainted during an attack.However just recently I have hit a major low.We lost one of our best friends,very young(31),very suddenly a few weeks ago.And I think this has triggered my increased anxiety and panic attacks.I just feel SO faint all the time and have been having several really awful panic attacks.Im really scared of fainting in public,and have even avoided going out on my own a few times because of it.Its horrible.Im already starting to worry about feeling like this/fainting at my wedding(its not till December!).Has anyone got any advice/reassurance about this fainting thing? xx

24-03-05, 16:08
Hi Juliet,

I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and the increased anxiety symptoms. It was only the other day that I was reading a page stating that the increased heart rate and blood flow related to anxiety pretty much took care of "not fainting" as fainting typically occurs due to the bodies blood pressure actually lowering. Our panic inducing the bodies natural instinct to "survive" should in theory rule out fainting due to the fact that you'd be running! (in a truely dangerous situation). When I now feel that fluffy headed feeling I remember this and ride out the peak of the panic and have never fainted to date. I hope this helps!



24-03-05, 16:29
Hi Juliet, I have been having panic attacks and anxiety for nearly 5 years and have never fainted yet. From what I have learned from this site it is very rare for someone to faint whilst having a panic attack, i know how you feel though as this has always been my biggest fear as well as that I may Die!!LOL I became agorophobic for around 8 months as I feared fainting in public or making a complete fool of myself but I overcame this fear and I am sure you will too. You will get lot of help,advice and support here and you will find that it is a very common fear. You are definately not alone with this and we will all try to help as much as possible.
Take care
Love Lisaxx

24-03-05, 17:33
hi. its very rare and probably highly unlikely that you will faint from a panic attack although it sure feels like you will that was my biggest ever fear of the panic but it never happened and i dont know anyone who has so try not worry about it :D

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

24-03-05, 17:44

I think that we are all scared of fainting when having a panic attack but the fact that we are taking so much oxygen in when having a panic attack makes it almost impossible for you to faint.

Sarah :D

24-03-05, 18:42
Hi there,
sorry you are feeling so bad right now. I have suffered with panic/anxiety for appx. 16 years now, main symptom being lightheaded and very dizzy, but to date, have never fainted. Sorry to hear about your recent loss, this would have, almost certainly brought on the panic. I am sure there is a whole section regarding people, panic and fainting, maybe someone will be able to help more than me. keep in touch.

24-03-05, 19:23
Hi Juliet

Welcome aboard. It is very common to feel dizzy/faint with panic and it helps if you learn to breathe properly from the abdomen.

There are only a few circumstances that you can faint in and one of those is related to an imbalance in sugar levels as well - i.e. you have not eaten recently.

The body produces more oxygen when we panic as it is ready for the "fight or flight" response hence you are very unlikely to faint as the body gets ready to run away!

Hope that reassured you somewhat


24-03-05, 21:28
Hi Juilet

Pleased you have found this site and hope you get lots of support. I am sorry about your close friend, i know how hard that can be.

I think we have all at times felt that worry that we are going to faint as i know i have. Then we focus on it too much. Just look to your wedding day as one of the happiest in your life and that its a new start to a happy future. I am sure you will be fine and the last thing on your mind will be fainting.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-03-05, 00:03
Hi Juilet

Im 14, i am terrified of fainting, my first post I did was about my fear of fainting, I don't know why im scared, I've had PAs for about 4-5 months now, and I've never fainted, but I still havn't convinced my-self I'm not going to. It is hard when you feel so light-headed and dizzy, not to think your gonna faint, but I now know I'm not gonna faint because of a PA, the only thing that worries me now is when i feel really sick for no reason, then I start to worry about it, but mum says it's just anxiety, i try to tell my-self it is, but like I said it's so hard, I don't think you'll faint at your wedding, you'll have to much on your mind to think about it anyway, if I'm doing something I have to think about then I don't panic or have anxiety, cos I'm not expecting
good luck with your wedding, and I can assure you, your not gonna faint because of a PA, I'm only scared of fainting because I have low blood pressure, and the doctor said i COULD faint, that's what worries me, but you should be fine.

Chaz xx
14 female

Dont let little things get you down, make the most of life

25-03-05, 00:46

I'm sorry to read about the loss of your friend & the shock for you which has led to increased anxiety.

It is highly unlikely that you would faint during a panic/anxiety attack unless there was another underlying cause. The body is on 'red alert', creating excess oxygen, so the opposite to fainting is more likely! The dizzy/lightheaded feeling is not a precursor to fainting.

I hope that all the posts have helped to reassure you.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

25-03-05, 09:12
Hi Juliet,

Just wanted to tell you that I have fainted - don't worry it was nothing to do with panic - and it is not so awful. The nice bit is when you come round everyone makes a big fuss of you! I fainted then got up and got the bus home. It really is nothing to be frightened of, just natures way of putting you right!

Love Christine