View Full Version : Pulmonary embolism

04-04-08, 20:20
I had abdominal op 10 days ago and the day after op I had very sore throat, hoarse voice and bad cough. Thought it was due to tubes in op but after few days with cough worsening and lots of staff with coughs and throats and the fact that my friend had had a bad cough and throat a few days before my op it was put down to viral infection.

Saw my GP 4 days ago and she listened to my chest and said chest clear no infection and see if it would clear up itself - she said lots of people had this cough and bad throat.

My cough seemed to improve yesterday not coughing as much but feel as if my throat is full of gunk and have to keep clearing it and still got croaky voice and also feeling as if it is a bit hard to breathe. Saw my friend today who is still as bad so was sitll thinking viral infection BUT suddenly thought I have had operation maybe its a blood clot on my lung.

Googled and I don't have the sudden onset breathelssness or bad chest pain but it scared me because the symptoms can be so varied.

I have a neighbour who had this many years ago so came up with a sort of excuse for asking what happened to him and he said his only symptom was terrible chest pain that was initially misdiagnosed as indigestion but on second hospital visit they realised something was wrong. He said he didn't have any breathlessness or cough just terrible pain.

That should have put my mind at rest but its the weekend - no GP to go to and ask for reassurance and I still ahve this cough, croaky thraot and tight feeling in chest.

I thought I was doing so well coping after operation and now I am freaking about this.

04-04-08, 20:23
Alex has had a sore throat and cough for 2 weeks now - it is going around apparently.

The GP told him to eat dark chocolate to help with the cough and take co-codamol so you could try that!

04-04-08, 20:26
You have a chest infection at the worst. If you were going to have a clot you would have had the acute symptoms by now. My first husband had numerous pulmonary embolli when he was in his late 20's. These were the result of a deep vein thrombosis. The symptoms are very acute and you wouldn't be posting on here. He couldn't breathe and was in terrible pain. He was extremely ill.

By the way he is 57 now and is still fine.

04-04-08, 20:44
Hi country girl
Sorry your feeling ill and scared but it sounds like you have what im just starting to get over. Ive had same thing, cough, sore throat, sweats, gunk on chest, couldnt breathe properly, etc, and i worried/paniced was something worse than chest infection. But it just takes time hun, ive had it nearly 3 weeks but im on the mend now. Paracetamol and hot lemonade is good too and helps u sleep. Im sure you prob have the same bug thats raging here to at the minute and you'll get well soon. Take care hun try not to worry....easy said
:hugs: :hugs:

04-04-08, 22:10
Thanks everyone you have helped me loads. I had the TED stockings in hospital but not the clexane injections as I was drinking loads of water and up and about so soon, the Dr explained that they only give the clexane to people who are either immobile or on nil by mouth as they don't get enough fluids to keep their blood thin.

I have calmed down and had a sensible think! with help from husband who says every time I get any throat chest virus I always complain of feeling s if I can't breathe which is true and decided that if I get worse over weekend then I will ask to see out of hours GP and explain my fears and also get checked for chest infection and husband said obviously if I suddenly get severe chest pain and gasping for breath he will do something about it!!!

It just had to happen that I get this chest/throat virus straight after surgery!
Either that or my body is super sensitive to the aneathetic tubes and is still reacting badly but hardly likley 10 days later.