View Full Version : Spots like rash on face

04-04-08, 20:31
Hi everyone,

Well I wake up most days with a new things that last for a few days until I calm down about it, this week I noticed that my face has had alot of very small red spots on it that almost look like a rash, I just wandered if anyone else has had something similar to this through stress.

Thanks Amy.

05-04-08, 20:03
Does anyone else break out in spots on there face through stress and anxiety as I don't normally suffer with spots.

05-04-08, 20:07
Hi Scooby!

I have chronic urticaria...it's like a spotty/blistery rash and it can cover my whole body! It comes on during the night when i am asleep and goes away during the day! i just had a full blood test and it came up with nothing, but after reading alot about it, i found out it can be down to stress!

so yours could be too hun!

see how it goes and if it continues, try some allergy pills

Love Lisa

05-04-08, 20:19
Thanks for your reply, I've had them most of this week they are slightly better now than they were at the begining of the week but I can really notice them and it is getting me down a bit.

07-04-08, 18:45
I just wander if anyone has ever had a fiber glass allergy on there face.

I got told today that i could have an allergy to fiber glass particles as the factory where i work has been having new offices made in the last week and I have been going in them.

I was ok until last tuesday which was the day after I first went in the new offices at work which would make sense if I had an allergy to the fiber glass, also it seemed to be getting better over the weekend then today about 30 mins after being in the offices my face started itching now my face feels like it is burning.

Thanks Amy.

10-04-08, 10:39
These spots are really getting me down now especially as i have a face full and i only ever get one at a time.

10-04-08, 17:58

What are the spots like, and are they just on your face???

Love Lisa


10-04-08, 18:52
Yeah there only on my face just like loads of little bumps under the skin, but they look red, though I might have an allergy from the new building at work but it seems to get a bit better then come back worse my mum thinks it could be the soy milk i started drinking as this is the only new thing to me, i started drinkng this about a week before i got the spots.

10-04-08, 18:57
Hun i'm not sure but i think an allergy would start pretty soon after changing a product/food and so on.

Maybe speak to a pharmisist hun, they are usualy quite good at recommending something to help.

Let me know how you get on

Love Lisa

10-04-08, 19:02
Thats what i thought about food, could still be this fiber glass allergy as the building is not finished and were working in it. Don't know anyone who had this.