View Full Version : rectal cancer scare

04-04-08, 21:54
ok, well i've been battling with a irritated anus area (i think its irritated anyways).. it seems to go away when i have my mind occupied and i dont seem to notice its irritated until im without something to do and bored.. and then i start wondering what it is.. it doesnt really itch/ore hurt.. just kind of a burning feeling.. really slight though.. not enough to really bother me.. i sit in my chair alot so im not sure if this is somehting that could be causing it.. but i ran across a site and i always have a fear of cancer, so i got scared that it was cancer.. the symptoms dont really seem bad enough to be cancer, as they are very slight and go away alot of the times when im concentrating on something like i said.. if this was cancer.. wouldnt the systems be severe and not go away even when im focused on something else?

i'm 18 btw and im not gay.. the risk factors are being over 50 and anal intercourse

05-04-08, 03:09
Oh, this is so familiar to me, I had the exact same issues - add in a little bit of blood though. Was lovely!

The risks for you having rectal cancer at such a young age are EXTREMELY slim, and I don't think a mildly irratated area is anything to horribly freak yourself out over. Do you get enough fibre? Not to sound gross or anything, but sometimes not having enough fiber makes your stool hard which can then irratate you when it's.. er.. coming out.

Try not to think about it - if you don't feel anything when you're not thinking about it, then odds are that it's not anything. However - like they say, it's always better to be safe than sorry, so if you are really worried, you might as well go to a doctor. They would give you a very simple exam to see what's up and then go from there. :)

05-04-08, 06:14
Yeah, people in their late teens and early adulthood often get... sensitive, down there. Something about the body's natural ability to soften stool weakening so you need to eat more fiber. It's not uncommon to have some bleeding down there too.

05-04-08, 06:58
Hmm... It seems to be a burning feeling.. possibly really dry?

05-04-08, 07:57
There are some creams out there too that can help with that. But, maybe go see a doctor just in case. It is VERY unlikely that it is cancer, but there could be something (totally treatable!) that they might be able to help you with! :)

06-04-08, 08:17
Taking a bath seems to soothe this for awhile, if it was cancer, a bath wouldnt soothe it, right?

06-04-08, 19:55
I'm not going to pretend I have a lot of knoldge of this kind of cancer, but I'm rather sure in most cancers pain is one of the last symptoms. You would have been having Constipation, bloody bowl movements, and that whole deal for months.

It's very rare anyone that young would get rectal cancer, which normaly takes a long time to devop. You would have had to have had a pylop in there since you were 15.

Go see a doctor if it's really bothering you, but it's almost defiently nothing.

06-04-08, 21:45
Hmm.. could this be the hair irritating it? It seems when im sitting a certain way or taking a bath.. it doesn't seem to be irritated.