View Full Version : panic ur anxiety attack wots the differense

miss motown
04-04-08, 22:45
hi everyone can anyone tell me wot the difference of a panic attack to an anxiety attack i thought they were both the same, oh well felt really bad today and still do i went to town with a friend and as we were going back to the car that horrible scairy thumping in my chest came over me i could here it in my ears feel it in my throat and i come over all sick i just wanted to vomit the pains in my chest and the tight feeling i thought well this is it im having a heart attack i tried to calm myself down but there was this sudden rush like electricity that ran thru my body can anyone relate to this ive taken 2 diazipam today only 2ml but how do i no its not my heart i still have a few chest pains pains down my left arm and all around my chin i can taste the fear in my mouth and i just feel nausias i havent actually thrown up but i just feel so sick with it im soooo scaired (help):weep:

04-04-08, 23:07
I don't think the important thing is to try to distinguish between panic and high anxiety...

What are the truths in all of this?
Taking it you have been examined by a doctor and told it was anxiety....
It did not harm you, it will not harm you, as soon as you lose your fear of the fear it goes away...that's it..it takes a few months maybe even a year..but it will go away once you lose your fear to it.

04-04-08, 23:22
For me anxiety is before an event, and panic is during. All stress really

miss motown
04-04-08, 23:52
franklin thanks for your reply to be honest i dont think i will ever loose the fear ive had anxiety for around 12years now and i keep telling myself ive survived it so far ive been rushed to a&e with chest pains spent the night there on heart monitor been treated for angina then was told after all the blood tests that i was suffering anxiety that was 2 years ago also in december i went private with bupa and was told my heart was ok but today it felt so different than wot ive ever experianced ive never felt so bad and thats why i freaked out so much ive managed to calm down abit now but im still convinced theres something not right awww its awful but thanks for replying i guess im just going round the twist

wayne lewis
08-09-08, 07:22
they are simular. just symptoms vary thats all. anxiety is your build up to a panic attack best thing to do is when you feel your heart beating think it as a good sign.