View Full Version : different names for same drug

24-03-05, 16:12
Just wanted to see if there were any other drugs that had a different common name here in the US than what most of you call it. I noticed Paxil was something like Seroxat, i was just seeing what others might be different...like prozac, zoloft , xanaz , buspar, whatever...i just want to make sure i know what yall are talking about. Thanks!


24-03-05, 16:16
i have just never heard of citalpram, effexor and several others yall have mentioned..the only ssri's i've heard of are proz, pax, zoloft, lucav..as well as some beta blockers and maoi's. Anyways, thanks again.


24-03-05, 20:03
Take a look at the meds page on the website - may help a bit - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/medication.htm
