View Full Version : Subconcious and anxiety

04-04-08, 23:22
Hi everyone

Do you think its possible to be subconsciously anxious.

For an example, I can be sitting there and not anxious, I don't feel anxious or anything like that, then all of a sudden the nervous knots will start (for no apparent reason) and then the panic will set in.

Does anyone else feel they could be subconsciously anxious?:scared15:

05-04-08, 00:17
Hi Lizzie

This is wot happens to me.

I quite happily doing something, and then out of the blue the panic sets in.

love mandie x

05-04-08, 01:14
Anxiety *is* subconscoius, full stop. It can bubble up into consciousness but its home is in the subconscious. That's why it's so hard to shift.

Maybe there's some trigger that you're not aware of that causes your anxiety to start up apparently of its own accord - perhaps a subconscious train of though?

I find this sometimes - I'll get a pang of anxiety and think, "What caused that?" If I then look back at what I was daydreaming about, I can often see what it was that triggered the anxiety - e.g. maybe I just looked at a map of Britain and that made me think of the weather forecast and that made me think about global warming... I find this happens a lot, worse luck.

05-04-08, 03:18
Does anyone else feel they could be subconsciously anxious?

I have been having a few health issues and this has brought it back on. It is now getting to the point that I prefer not to go out of the house because I worry about having a panic attack and this is effecting my relationship.

Hello Lizzie:hugs: ,

I found the above in a previous post of yours.

You must have experienced a panic attack(s) when you've been out which have made you retreat to a "safe zone" indoors. However, what's actually happened is that instead of being in a "safe zone", you are indoors in a zone surrounded by fear, afraid to move beyond the four walls.

Your four walls have become your cage so you feel trapped by your fears. These fears then surface in new worries such as health worries because you turn in on yourself due to the stress you're feeling just like a parrot pulling his feathers out because he feels trapped and stressed in his cage.

Your subconscious will therefore surface creating anxious symptoms without you actually thinking anything because your mind is being controlled by fear.

If we are in an open box and we see someone putting a lid on us, what do we think? We don't actually think anything. We just feel anxious because we instinctively know we're going to be trapped without an escape, just as you are feeling trapped in your home.

The simple answer is to break free from our cage but the doing is much more difficult to achieve. However, once you do, you then re-gain control of your fear.:hugs:

05-04-08, 12:06

I find this happens to me all the time. I don't realise that I am thinking about something anxiety provoking and then bam the panic hits. I usually have been shallow breathing at the time too.

Just now I have more of a clear head. (Not constantly checking I'm ok) and I realise that I am doing it and am able to work out what is causing it but at the times I don't then I end up having a panic attack for what seems like no reason but it is my subconcious. Then I worry even more. Argh a big bad vicious circle.

Oh the joys of being a worrier.

Love Hazel xox:yesyes:

06-04-08, 04:12
We can be under so many pressures in our lives because of our home situation or at work without realising the effects they're having on us so we shallow breathe without being aware of it.

When the pressures are eased, our breathing naturally returns to normal.

Whilst we're experiencing pressures, we just need to remember to "breathe properly" by giving ourselves time out to relax our bodies.:hugs:

06-04-08, 09:08
Yep. I can be perfectly fine, then all of a sudden i notice i am having to take bigger/deeper breaths (there you have anxiety)...

I have NO idea how to stop this.
