View Full Version : Breathing

04-04-08, 23:36
I have been concentrating on my breathing alot in the last few weeks and some days I am taking deep breaths all day.

This morning I woke and found that I was breathing slow and then it would feel as though I would stop breathing. I have been on 10mg of cipramil for 8 days and have found that my anxiety is worse early morning.

Please some feedback would be great.

04-04-08, 23:39
hi im like that 24 hours a day its anxiety so im told by gp i hope you get it sorted soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-04-08, 03:48
I am thinking about stopping the cipramil as I feel so much worse than I did before I started taking them. Should I keep going with them and give them a chance????

05-04-08, 04:33
I sometimes feel like I've stopped breathing too, wierd feeling. I get different types of "funny breathing", mostly when I'm in bed waiting to go to sleep, but it happens at other times too. It sometimes takes ages to go to sleep because of this. My anxiety is worse in the early morning too, if I can get past that time, the rest of the day is usually not too bad ( at the moment, have had worse times).
Don't know much about Cipramil, but if you think it's not helping, go back to the doc.

05-04-08, 07:34
Sorry to keep posting, but this breathing has been worrying me all day and I have been doing alot of thinking and my chest feels 'empty' It feels as though I can breath better and maybe this is the way I should be breathing all the time. I have had tight chest muscles for a while now and it just feels as though these have let go and the air is flowing.

Sound right???

05-04-08, 10:05
i got it right now its awful its like a gasping for air feeling hope you feel better soon xxx

05-04-08, 10:54
It generally takes medication at least 2 if not 4 weeks before you start to feel better. Give it another week or so and then if it's still a problem go back to the doctor.

05-04-08, 16:37
If I start fretting about my breathing I do something like going for a run or fast walk - I find I have to let my body breathe naturally and it stops me panicking. When I get back home, my breathing slows down, I have run off the excess adrenaline and I feel much better. maybe give it a go!

05-04-08, 16:38
ps - You won't just 'stop breathing' Your central nervous system ensures you keep breathing all the time. This is what happens when we hyperventialte - some people eventually hyperventilate and faint. They don't stop breathing, though. their CNS takes over and they wake up breathing normally.