View Full Version : American Idol is driving me crazy! @_@

05-04-08, 03:00
It's one of my favorite TV shows, really, but this year I've gotten really into it and have been following the contestants since the top 24 a few weeks ago and since I feel like I've gotten to 'know' them and it gets worse every time one of them's kicked off! Does that make any sense? I know that people probably think I take this kind of thing way to seriously but I get really attached to fictional characters in shows as well as these real ones!

The results shows on Weds night are designed to be as tense and thrilling as possible naturally to excite viewers, and since I really emphatize with the contestants I feel like I'm the one going up there on the chopping block! For a whole hour! I've come to loathe commercial breaks... :scared15:

Anyway I know we're not supposed to avoid what we fear so instead of running off to my computer to wait out the show I'm watching it straight on instead.

But still, I get soooo incredibly tense it sucks. Is there any relief besides not watching or simply not getting too invovled? (Which I can't, I really like the contestants, all of them! Which means it sucks every time one is voted off! O_o)

05-04-08, 03:41
Hello phoenix:hugs: ,

I know you're a very intense person just like most of us so you take everything in life very seriously. I can remember at school the teacher telling me if I pressed any harder with my pen I'd go through the paper! That's one way how people who study handwriting can work out a persons personality. Also if every t is crossed and every i is dotted etc etc.

The point is that we need a more relaxed approach to life in general. Instead of being a thunderstorm cloud in a hurricane, you need to learn to be a fair weather cumulus cloud on a gentle breeze!

Whatever the result of a contest on TV, would the result affect "your" life? We will get tensed up when we get involved in competitions and want our favourite to win but we also need to put things into perspective.

I sometimes get tensed up about a football match but I can remember my father saying "Win or lose, it's only a game". There are more important things in life to worry about that impact on our lives such as health, love, food and enough money to live on.

Try not to be So intense towards life and life will become easier to live.:hugs:

05-04-08, 04:16
Thanks for replying Bill, I can always count on you to make the most wonderful and helpful posts! :D :D :D

You're absolutely right of course, I really do need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. I think that's a really great analogy, cause I'm always wondering how intense some people I know get into sports and I'm doing the same thing with my 'sport'! :D I really do have a tendancy to get so deep into things! :D

Speaking of which, there are some very severe and wild thunderstorms coming tomorrow! Here we go again! ^__^

Thanks again Bill! :hugs:

05-04-08, 04:37
Watch out for any tornadoes phoenix!!!:winks: Summer time has begun here so now they're forecasting snow over the weekend!!!:D xxx

05-04-08, 07:40
I too have been watching American Idol very closley this season. I love all the contestants and when someone is voted off it makes me cry...lol

Who do you want to win this year? Any favorites? It is hard for me to pick one because I think most of them are very talented and sound incredible.

Can't wait till Tuesday night, wonder what songbook they will be singing from.

I am in the United States, Louisiana and we had some very bad thunderstorms today. Where r u from?

I hope you can figure out a way to deal with the anxiety you get over watching Idol..if it helps, we can try to talk on here during the eliminations maybe that will ease some of this for us.



05-04-08, 08:55
HI, guys, well i to like the show, but of late ryan seacrest is doing my head in, Also randy had a point with it being a singing contest and not a fashion one.[regarding carlys outfits] Why do they always go ott with stuff in the states. We see the show here in the uk on thurs/fri nights, and the hour that it,s on could be spent showing more of the contestants then adverts. David will properly win , the young girls love him.

05-04-08, 21:00
The storms were fine Bill, all we got was rain! :D I kinda wish for a little more excitement but nothing too dangerous of course!

Hi Wrain, nice to see I'm not the only one into AI here! Lol! :D I'm really rooting for David Cook. My other favorite was Ramiele and she got voted off last time, i.e. my super-tense-anxiety night! I was a wreck, really, I felt so bad for her cause I knew she had the talent to go further and she shouldn't have gotten voted off so early, at least I would have thought she'd make it to 5 or 6!

Then again, I'm kinda hoping that David Cook will get to 3rd or 4th place so I won't be another wreck during the finale, that's two hours instead of only one! Lol! :D

And yeah, I'd love to hang out here during the eliminations if I'm near the computer and the tv so maybe we should set a thread or a chat up, yeah! :D

I'm from VA, acaully the storms weren't so bad so phew!

Hi Domino! :D Lol! Ryan Seacrest is okay with me cause he seemed to be really genuinely nice to Ramiele when she got voted off cause she looked as if she was about to fall to pieces. Lol yeah I know what you mean about the singing contest thing. I think it's more of a star contest than complete and total singing cause there are some really good singers that got voted off cause of not having the 'star potential'.
That's cool, I didn't know you guys in the UK watch it too! Is it David Archuleta or David Cook? Lol! Yeah a ton of girls are absolutely nuts over David A. he's pretty good!

06-04-08, 23:00
I have been watching American Idol this season also, never watched it before. I am now only watching the singing just for enjoyment and skipping the elimination show. I can look on the website to see who was eliminated the next day. Doing it this way keeps it entertaining and relieves the intensity.