View Full Version : A doggy story

05-04-08, 04:06
I took our dog to the vets today and you'll be pleased to know that he is back to normal and no longer needs any tablets!!! Considering how he was, I can't believe how much better he is!:yesyes:

I was talking to the vet and he started telling me about a dog he's been treating. This dog had to have a leg amputated which of course is a trauma to the dog so would you believe he gave it valium to ease its anxiety just for a week until he re-gained his confidence.

I was telling the vet about how our dog won't eat his dry food or even out of his bowl like he used to. This was because while he was ill, he felt sick when he attempted to eat. However, he's better now but is still refusing to eat as before.

The reason? The reason is because he remembers how sick he felt when he tried to eat when he was ill so is now afraid to attempt eating his dry food because he fears feeling sick again and because he fears being sick, he actually does feel sick!

I can't force him to confront this fear so now I'm having to moisten his food and tempt him with other flavours which of course he has now come to expect just like a safety blanket.

Sound familiar? What happens when we experience a panic attack? We stop doing what we've done for years without thinking. How do we tempt ourselves to confront it? We take medication and fear the panics will return if we stop taking them.

All our dog needs to do is try eating as he did before without worrying about feeling sick by realising he was ill at the time.

Often stress and pressures in our lives cause our panic but then we become afraid of placing ourselves in the situations where we experienced our panics even though often the stresses no longer exist.

I just found it interesting how even a dog can suffer anxiety........and a dog doesn't act on "thoughts", he acts on instinct and sometimes "incorrect" learnt behaviour!:winks:

05-04-08, 04:14
Glad to hear your dog is doing well! :D It's really interesting how you mention that and it's so applicable, since I would think we humans would be able to get over learned behavior but time and time again it gets the better of us! I keep mentioning about a good movie I like to watch that makes me really anxious near the end because of the first time I watched it I was really anxious. Even though I conciously know that there's nothing to worry about I do it anyway just like the way Pavlov (sp?)'s dogs do with the learned behavior and the bells and meals!

I've seen lots of dog anxiety before but I never really understood what it was until I had my own. Poor things, I just want to cuddle them until they're not frightened anymore!

05-04-08, 04:42
Poor things, I just want to cuddle them until they're not frightened anymore!

Something that works for us too when we feel frightened!:winks:

05-04-08, 12:01
Thats great news Bill hate to see my dogs poorly, cos they can't tell you where it hurts them.

05-04-08, 22:21
Hip Hip Hooray. Great news about your dog Bill. Isn't amazing how he has got well so quickly. Interesting thought about learnt behaviour. It's fascinating how something we have done hundreds of times without worrying about can be changed by the one time it goes wrong and then our brains let that override all the normal times beforehand.Anyway I bet you don't mind feeding him different things you must be so happy to have him well again.

05-04-08, 23:29
Hi Bill,

I'm really pleased your dog is better now. :yesyes:

It's interesting how he has gone off his food because he is associating it with being sick. I'm sure you don't mind coaxing him with lots of tasty treats though!

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

06-04-08, 00:32
Hi Bill
Im so glad to here that your dog is feeling better now. you must be so happy.
Debera:hugs: :hugs: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

06-04-08, 03:30
Thank you:hugs: Yes, I'm glad to have my trusty loyal companion back! I was So worried I was going to lose my best friend! A reminder of how we need to make the most of the things we treasure!:hugs:

07-04-08, 09:08
Hey Bill

Just wanted to say I'm glad your dog is feeling better, that's great news :yesyes: :yesyes:

Jo xxxxx

09-04-08, 04:11
Just when you think your worries are over and things are settling down, life comes along to kick your teeth in again!

Now he's limping badly on his front legs which doesn't help when he's got arthritic back legs! I'll just have to get him a wheelchair poor ol' fella!

I'm just hoping it's cracked pads due to the cold snap!

It's been a BAD day but life has a habit of kicking us when we're down! Seems to enjoy making us have to bounce back up!:mad:

Here we go again!:unsure:

09-04-08, 10:18
Sorry to hear about your dog Bill. One tip I'd give which might be worth trying. When one of mine goes off the dried food, I cook up some chicken or fish with some rice then put some nuts on top. Gradually increase the nuts and decrease wet food over a couple of days. Tell me to shut up if you like!! but it's worked for my two boys.

09-04-08, 19:33
Mf - I read your post earlier and was going to reply but you've deleted it. I couldn't see anything wrong with it so I wondered why???:shrug:

Jo - hey, why should I want to tell you to shut up???:) Thank you for the tip!!!

He's not limping quite so badly today so I'm hopeful it is just sore paws!

10-04-08, 15:46
Firstly, thank you Michelle for letting me know your deletions weren't because of anything I'd said or done. Got me worried though!:unsure: :D :hugs:

I've got some Good news!!!:) He's stopped limping!!!

Just hope, yes HOPE that that's the end of it for a while. I even got some insurance money through for he's recent problems.:yesyes:

Always live in Hope!:winks: