View Full Version : Heart Flutters, Irregular heart beat?

05-04-08, 22:32
Hi Everyone,

Hope you're all doing well.
I haven't posted on hear for quite a while but still visit quite regularly.
I had a serious bout of anxiety and depression last year. It caused me to quit my job and become agrophobic. With medication, time and effort I got through the worst of the anxiety and depression. I started a new job earlier this year but still suffer anxiety.
All my anxiety began with heart related fears. My symptoms where mainly all related to my chest bar the lightheadeness. I'd get a pressure in my chest. A feeling of not being able to fully expand the left side of my chest when taking a breath. Breathlesness too. Also occasional fluttering sensation in the left side of my chest, sometimes what I can only describe as a spasm feeling rather than a pain on that side as well.
During my heightened anxiety last year and after seeing my GP numerous times where I had been given an ECG and had blood tests which where all normal and diagnosed with anxiety one day I went to A&E because the pressure in my chest had become unbearable. There I had another ECG, blood tests and chest x-ray. Again, all was fine. I was told it was muscular skeletal and diagnosed with costochondritis (inflammation of the rib cartlidge). Even then it didn't ease my mind. I was still focused on my heart/chest symptoms.....it literally had taken over my life and still does now. I went privately not long after to see a cardiologist who listened to my heart and did some general examinations and said he thought I had occasional Tachycardia. He prescribed me calcium channel blockers for this. I had already seen this doctor about 3 years ago and had an echocardiagram, stress test, ecg and a spirometery which all came back negative apart from mild asthama which I knew I had so this time he deemed it not necessary to have more tests. After that I started to exercise again and became more comfortable that these feelings where just muscular or related to my asthma. I was starting to feel myself again gradually.
Recently I have been getting these what I can best describe as like a jolt. It feels like I have blackedout for a split second but I haven't actually blacked out if that makes sense. Also getting the flutters and shooting sensations in the chest.
I went to see my GP yesterday for the first time since the beginning of Jan and explained what had been happening. She has now refered me to see a cardiologist with the view to having a 24 hr holter monitor put on because she suspects it may be an occasional irregular heart beat.
I am glad this is being done to be honest but frustrated that it has taken over a year for my GP to finally refer me to a cardiologist.
I believe that my heart/chest symptoms are what caused my anxiety to spiral out of control. I know the more anxious you get the more symptoms you get too. But I do believe it's what caused my anxiety not vice versa.

Sorry for the rant. I am just wondering whether anyone else has had an experience of being told it's anxiety all the time only to find that there was a genuine physical cause for their anxiety?

Take care


06-04-08, 17:14
Hi mate,

Originally I began my anxiety through these 'jolts' whilst trying to sleep. Then one night went to bed & couldnt sleep because my chest was jumping out etc...

4 years later & im still here suffering, but last week I decided, with great disclipline, to stop taking my pulse every 5 mins & try to forget my symptoms.

Everytime they come on I do something different & concentrate on what Im doing. 20mins later im not feeling so bad.

Dont get me wrong, my anxiety is related to my chest, but I tell ya whats causing the tachicardia.


If ya try to relax your body, ur symptoms WILL pass or at least lessen.

Since ive done this I have seen a noticable reduction in my adrenaline levels. Hardly feel the dreaded missed beats etc...

Im no idiot, i know these symptoms will come back but Ill deal with them.

Even if your tachicardic, its not life threatening. But your tachycardia sounds like anxiety related & I tell ya if ya had a serious heart prob you would know.

At the mo I cant even exercise because when I do, my chest becomes all congested & I panic.

Your not alone mate.

06-04-08, 19:09
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the reply. I know I have definitely become more anxious and it's a visious circle creating more symptoms etc. I am however not as bad as I was although I am still focused on the chest.
I don't actually think I have Tachycardia. My heart rate is normally between 50 and 70 bpm unless I am exercising which is normal.
I still get the flutters and spasm feelings in the chest too. As I said I have that costochondritis.....now and again when I feel pressure over my chest if I stretch my arms up and back I actually feel and hear my sternum crack like knuckle. Not painfull and apparantly not a concern but weird :)
I saw your post asking about adrenaline testing. That might be something I might look in to getting if these new tests come back normal.
You say you can't exercise at the moment. I went through a stage when I was too afraid to exercise too. I started just going for long walks initially and then gradually started running and playing football again. Exercise is my sanctuary it keeps me on a level I suppose. Have you tried just starting out going for a walk yourself?

Take care mate,


06-04-08, 20:52
I am hoping the anxiety and stress is what causes missed beats and the heart pounding in the night! I hate it and it is a vicious circle, I am now anxious about going to bed in case I have a bad spell in the night. I wake up and feel my heart is beating all over the place, missing beats and really irregular. Its so hard not to feel your pulse but I have tried stopping as it scares me too much!
I am thinking of trying the rescue remedy and see if it helps me.
I think I would love to get fit but I also worry doing exercise will make my heart go funny and get pains in my chest. I do walk my dog everyday and run round after the kids 24/7!!
if you find a remedy let me know!!
bye x

Rachey poos
06-04-08, 23:17
Rescue remedy helps me nd a herbel tea before bed time too xxxx

07-04-08, 18:34
Hi Neil mate,

Yeah Im now going for walks, but also stopping the checking of the pulse has really improved me.

Mind you its only been a week & I still find myself listening to my body.

Im trying to accept that your body has sensations etc... so we'll see how it goes.

If your pulse is normally between 50-70bpm, thats very healthy if you ask me.

Usually mine would be between 67 & 80bpm. When im very relaxed, maybe around 60bpm. Either way Im sure yours is stress related & if you can somehow stop listening to your body....very hard at 1st, you will see a noticable reduction in the symptoms.

Let us know how you get on with those tests matey.


18-04-08, 11:54
I have been suffering from this for the past three or four days, it is the holidays I have three little ones, my marriage is not the best, and we have all been away to Devon which was lovely but very busy and full on, also my daughter had an op and had to stay in for two weeks (stay in home I mean)all been intense, but I am feeling quite positive and lifted mentally althou completely and utterly shattered if thats not a contradiction so why I am getting constant heart fluttering sensations??????????

22-04-08, 01:01
Hey all.

I've been absolutely convinced my hearts in bad shape. I mean i've never had a palpitation i dont think, and my pulse seems regular, appart from sinus arrhythmia, which is when the heart speeds up when you breathe in and slows down when you exhale, that can commonly be mistaken for an abnormal cardiac rhythm but it's perfectly normal and no differant from a straight heart beat. But some times i get these huge dropping sensations which make me feel dizzy, it feels like it starts in my chest of perhaps upper abdomen, and it's really been worrying me...

Anyone else get this? it's horrible. I saw a doctor, and all she did was listen to my heart and take my blood pressure, she assured me i was in good condition, and it was likely anxiety. But the chest pains, tightness, hot flush's and faint periods are overwhelming, i just feel hopeless. I mean, my dad keeps saying "if you were going to faint....you would, thats it, you'd drop to the floor in an instant, if you feel faint for 10 minuits or so...your not going to faint?" is this true? Also sometimes everything seems hayzy or not a part of me, everything for a split second just feels...distant and dreamy. PLEASE HELP lol i feel like im going nuts or dying :(

Thanks, Ewan.

23-04-08, 08:06
Hey Ewan.

Well I am the same as you, convinced at times that I have a dodgy ticker. But I have been checked out by the doctor and its OK. Although I find that hard to believe.

Anyway, I wanted to say that during periods of intense anxiety, I feel faint and dizzy almost detached from the world. There are lots of similar posts with members feeling the same.
The heat rises, you get anxious, feel dizzy/faint. That can all quite easily be anxiety - it is for me anyway.

But if your concerned about the hot flushes etc...go see your doc, explain your fears honestly. Say you suffer from anxiety etc....

And most of all post on here, it helps hugely


02-06-08, 11:53
Hey guys!
have read all the above posts with some relief, some wory and alot of interest.

Im a very healthy 28yr old male, i reguarly exercise, gym 5 times a week, run, swim, play squash, football etc... i eat healthy and only drink socially.... Last October I was sat at my desk at work and all of a sudden had this very intense heart racing, fluttering, dizzy symptoms, felt short of breath, like a spasm in the chest, not painful, just strange... i felt like i was gonna pass out any second, it was so bad i had to run out of work and phone for a life to go home.
I went straight to the hospital and had an ECG test which came back fine... up until this episode id never has this before.
Some days the symptoms are non existent and some days they are bad.... another night i felt so bad that I went to A&E, had 2 ECG Scans, a chest x-ray, thyroid gland tests, blood tests and a 24 hour Holter monitor.... all came back healthy and fine.

I still get these symptoms to this day, 8 mnths on, Obviously im scared as it really can interrupt your everyday life, and the natural response is to worry, thus making the symptoms worst.

Does this sound like what most of you have been getting? is it just anxiety? i would have hoped that if there was something deeper rooted that the tests would have picked something up.
Strange thing is i am not stressed or anxious about anything, and the first episode was a bolt out of the blue.

Really just posting here to look for piece of mind.


02-06-08, 12:19
Hi Everyone,

Hope you're all doing well.
I haven't posted on hear for quite a while but still visit quite regularly.
I had a serious bout of anxiety and depression last year. It caused me to quit my job and become agrophobic. With medication, time and effort I got through the worst of the anxiety and depression. I started a new job earlier this year but still suffer anxiety.

Is EXACTLY what happened to me, although my anxiety started when I got my nose broken. I'm still scared to go outside now... Unless it's to the GP's lol.

I get heart flutters and palpitations when I begin to panic, and some random chest pains at other times.

Mine's just anxiety, and I know this. =o/

Hope everything's okay :) Emz xx

02-06-08, 14:02
hi neil,
yes i have been in a very similar situation. it took me a long time to work out what was going on with my heart, wether it was anxiety like the docs thought or wether it was something else.
i now have been diagnosed with a minor heart condition.
the reason i have replied to this is not to confirm your worst fears its to try nad help give you some perspective.
the tests you have had so far have certainly ruled out the possibility of any serious heart defect, that is a fact, if something was seriously wrong those test would have picked it up.
this leaves you with two possiblities
rate or rhythm problem/electrical
neither of which are fatal or dangerous.

the holter moniter will be able to pick up on any electrical problem you have if you have one.
and if it does then honestly this not something to be scared of. you will not die/have a heart attack or anything it just means the electrics in your heart sometinmes randomly will send out a few extra signals and believeme once you are reassured that is all it is then you will feel much better.
my thoughts are that it is anxiety that is causing most of the problems and that your heart is really really strong and healthy.
again i want to say that i am not trying to add to your fear just help you see more clearly where you are right now.
its a shame its taken so long to get the holter thing sorted but stay calm if you can and see what happens with the readings.
oh and if you have certain triggers that make your heart go a bit wierd like tiredness booze etc then do those things whilst you are wearing the holter so you can try and pick it up on the readings.
most of all please believe me when i say that you WILL be safe and your heart is strong.
i have a lot of experience in this having gone through years of confusing symptoms.
im still here nad my heart is still beating.
take good care
let me know how you get on
kelly x

18-02-09, 01:08
I have had that fluttering in my chest for a long time. I am about to wear a monitor for 24 hours for the 2nd time. The first time was in 2001 but now I get them alot so they are going to recheck just to make sure. My EKG was normal.
Some of the symptoms I read are very similar to when I have a panic attack. As hard as it may seem try to convince yourself that you are fine. I would also see the doctor as much as you need until you are sure, if you need to see a different doctor. It took me 4 tries to finally find a doctor that did not blow me off.

18-02-09, 02:12
Hey guys!
have read all the above posts with some relief, some wory and alot of interest.

Im a very healthy 28yr old male, i reguarly exercise, gym 5 times a week, run, swim, play squash, football etc... i eat healthy and only drink socially.... Last October I was sat at my desk at work and all of a sudden had this very intense heart racing, fluttering, dizzy symptoms, felt short of breath, like a spasm in the chest, not painful, just strange... i felt like i was gonna pass out any second, it was so bad i had to run out of work and phone for a life to go home.
I went straight to the hospital and had an ECG test which came back fine... up until this episode id never has this before.
Some days the symptoms are non existent and some days they are bad.... another night i felt so bad that I went to A&E, had 2 ECG Scans, a chest x-ray, thyroid gland tests, blood tests and a 24 hour Holter monitor.... all came back healthy and fine.

I still get these symptoms to this day, 8 mnths on, Obviously im scared as it really can interrupt your everyday life, and the natural response is to worry, thus making the symptoms worst.

Does this sound like what most of you have been getting? is it just anxiety? i would have hoped that if there was something deeper rooted that the tests would have picked something up.
Strange thing is i am not stressed or anxious about anything, and the first episode was a bolt out of the blue.

Really just posting here to look for piece of mind.

My symptoms too came on suddenly and seemingly without reason. I went to the Emergency Room and was tested for a few days...everything was normal expect occasional palpitations. Some days I am fine, a few nights ago I woke out of a sound sleep unable to breathe and shaking, my heart racing. I woke my husband thinking I was having a heart attack. He reminded me to relax and breathe deeply, it was likely a dream that triggered it. I took a Xanax (alprazolam) and laid back down. After a few minutes I fell asleep and woke in the morning just fine. It is hard to accept that something that makes you feel so SURE you are having a heart attack is simply all in your head. I feel like I am crazy some days.

27-03-09, 12:00
I'm also having the same issues as Neil1975, when I read it I thought to myself I could print it off and show it to people who don't understand!

Over recent weeks I've made improvement however when I get a flutter or 2 it sets me spiraling backwards, my partner has been my rock (to coin a phrase) over the last 2 years.

I just don't understand why when I am not consciously thinking about it I still get symptoms!

Reading this thread helped me and I'm glad to see it on the top of google under heart flutters as it will hopefully help others!

I'm still afraid to exercise although I have started walking my dogs more so hopefully I can build on that.

14-04-10, 19:53
Ive started jogging again. But ponly for 5 mins at a time then im back in the house waiting for my pulse to slow. Gonna try a bit more though.

14-04-10, 20:32
I am so with you on this I have all of the symptoms people have been describing - I pretty much know alcohol and tiredness makes them worse and I am waiting to see a cardiologists which Im scared about but trying to block out of my mind for now. I hope they dont find anything wrong otherwise that will freak me out entirely!! Lets hope my story is as happy as the rest of you :)


15-04-10, 00:10
I don't know what to say except youre not alone. Like you I been told anxiety so much but they symptoms got to the point I had to ask the doctor what my rights were. I see cardiologist on 20th May and I am prayinng its all anxiety. Take care and hope your check up is clear, and then you can work on the anxiety more. I am also agoraphobic. Hugs

15-04-10, 00:13
sorry Paul was meant to post on neils thread must have clicked link, if youre holter is good that is great news, anxiety really can play some bad tricks on us look at the symptoms section on this site for reassurance take care

15-04-10, 00:15
:lac: lol just lets call it a bad day and me lost the plot shall we take care all and stay strong

07-11-10, 20:18
i get irregular heart beats and flutters any 1 no how 2 carm down when you have them i have them all the time and i wake up thinking i will die and them that fear makes them even more worse HELP ??:scared15:

08-11-10, 09:59
Hi all, so so glad ive found this page. I have been having ongoing problems since January 2010. I have been diagnosed with Acid Reflux and IBS in August this year. Since January i have been having what started off with a hard thud in my chest and felt slightly lightheaded for a second afterwards. This has now stopped and changed to a flutter feeling in the chest, sometimes central, sometimes left side, accompanied by a rising sensation up into my neck and my neck muscles squeeze. I have this a few times each day. I have been seeing a counsellor for Health Anxiety over my heart, as i truely believe i am building up to a Heart Attack and am going to die!! I have been to a &e twice, had 3 ECG's and blood tests - all "normal". Keep getting told its anxiety or ibs/acid reflux. When i get this rising sensation and squeeze in neck its not painful, just makes me uncomfortable, as if im being strangled, then i become frightened as i believe its my heart. I have eventually been refferred to a Cardiologist and am booked in for a 24 hr Holter Monitor. I am so so so fed up of being frightened about the Heart thing, its taking over my life. Always on my mind daily. Does anyone else experience this, could it be acid reflux or ibs rather than my heart???? Any thought would be muchly appreciated. Thanks Guys

03-09-13, 22:25
Hi Paul,

I think you have trust the docs and test results in this case. I have been anxious since my early forties and it's not good because you worry so much that it makes you sick. I think it's all mental but I do understand you. I am taking medication to lessen the chances of having irregular heart rhythm which is not nice at all

All the best


24-04-15, 11:03
Wow reading this thread like I could have written some of the comments myself! My experiences seem very similar to those of neil1975, peter34uk, and xPaulx.

I am 33, and I have been struggling with HA for the past 18 months or so (triggered by collapsed lung and subsequent VATs operation). While the focus is my chest, it wasn't the heart until recently. The past week I've had heart palpitations and "flutters" - seemingly from nowhere (like I've not been "anxious" at that moment). I've had a ECG and bloods done at the doctors - all normal.