View Full Version : can anyone give advice

06-04-08, 00:17
i was wondering if anyon can give me advice. i've recently changed jobs as supermarket working did not suit me.
my new job is a lot better and i'm enjoying it a lot more - they do not give me as much hassle as my last work.
over the past week (i've been in this job 6 weeks) i have lost all my confidence and feel rally worried and anxious which is bringing on panic attacks. i don't know what to do - i am so worried i'll get in trouble in my new work for not being good enough either in general or for being ill. the problem is i'm the only person who doesn't think i'm doing well. but even ohers telling me i am isn't enough and my confidence issues et are really starting to worry me which is making me paic even more and i really don;t know what to do.

06-04-08, 03:09
You're in a new job learning the ropes which takes time. It's natural to feel unsure of yourself until you feel comfortable with what you're doing and feel settled in.

The problem is you're worrying because you feel uncomfortable and so feel unsure of yourself about coping with the new things you're learning which then makes you feel panicky so you then start worrying about having panic attacks and losing your job.

Take a step back - learn a way to relax, tell yourself it's natural to feel as you are because it takes time to get used to a new job and try not to focus on how you feel. Concentrate on your job and what you're learning.

Your colleagues obviously feel you're doing fine so all your worries are just within you and no one is even noticing how you're feeling because it's not affecting your abilities to do your job.......so you really have no need to keep worrying.

You need to learn how to break the cycle of worry to panic to worry by not thinking about how you're feeling by instead thinking about the jobs you need to do.

Time, patience and learn how not to focus on worries because your worries cause your problems.:hugs:

06-04-08, 07:17
:) hi crazychick, well i would say this problem stems from your lack of self-esteem? does that sound possible? because if nobody else has a problem with your performance but you continue to worry about it and are actually creating panics then there must be an underlying thought process that fears failure or fears scrutiny due to failure etc? its funny how lots and lots of people on here think they are rubbish when in fact when you get the facts about their lives they are actually doing really very well - they paint their lives in a very negative light and when they give someone else the chance to judge them, they are actually no different to anyone else - sometimes its what we imagine everybody elses lives are like that causes us a problem when we have low self-esteem, you imagine everyone to be better than you are and to have a much better life than you do - when in actuality they have virtually the same life - well they may do different things but they do no more than you and they have acheived no more than you, but usually coz they look confident and happy when you see them you are fooled into telling yourself that they and their lives are great and you and yours is crap:wacko: :weep: :lac: :shrug: not sure if this is the prob with you but it was a major problem for me and only once i had dealt with these thoughts and tackled them consistently could i recover and move on towards a more balanced world view. not sure you feel the same, if not ignore the ramble:winks:

06-04-08, 20:41
thank you both for your replies Bill and Emma.
you are both completely right.
Bill, I know thats the cycle i'm going through and i shouldn't be and its trying to spot this and learning to stop it that i need to do. I am normally a very confident person and i'm the type of person that when told i can't do something i try it anyway as i want to prove i can do anything. I just don't know how to approach this in my new job.
Emmas, you are completely correct as well - i am very scared of failure or of being told i'm failing - and in the long run i'm probably going to make myself fail because i'm worrying so much about failing. I just need to know how to get my self-esteem and confidence back.
My doc put me back on my sertraline last week and i don't know how long it will take to get back into my system. i'm maybe the type of peron who wil need the meication forever and if that helps i'll do it. i don't know if it will take a while to work. i just wish i could be confident and sure of myself again. i am also worried about how my bosses etc are viewing this a si am on a six month probation with being new so maybe i'll lose my job after that which i don't want to do.
my boss knows i'm feeling pretty low and is allowing me to leave early tomorrow to see my doc again. i just know how i am feeling is not normal and don't know how to deal with it in my new workplace.