View Full Version : Full Blood Count

06-04-08, 11:36
Sorry if this is in the wrong place I wasn't sure where to put it,
I just wandered if anyone knows what they check for in a blood test when they do a full blood count.

Thank Amy

06-04-08, 11:39
hi usually liver , thyroid,iron defiencys ,all i cant think of at the mo but im sure others can add to what i missed ,also anemia


06-04-08, 11:47
Thanks I new those ones they seemed to take alot of blood when i went about 3 pots, thought the full blood count maybe checked specific cells like the red and white ones to see if they look normal.

06-04-08, 12:22
Hi Amy

Yes they do check the levels of your white and red blood cells when they do a full blood count, hope this helps :)


06-04-08, 12:27
I had 7 pots once :ohmy:

06-04-08, 12:29
Hi Amy

I have full blood count done every month, just as a precuation because of the drugs I take.

They check everything, pleases me because its like having an MOT and eases my health anxiety.

Why are they doing at? hope you are ok take care

06-04-08, 17:27
Thanks everyone for your reply's.
I was told I have low B12. I'm having the shots for it, some weeks i feel ok then the next i feel crap, I just worry they have missed something.
I still think I'm stressing about it but the backs of my legs my calves really feel tight most days all day and I have broke out in spots on my face this week which I don't normally get.

26-05-17, 07:07
I take b12,as a spray under my tongue.

26-05-17, 12:36
Thanks everyone for your reply's.
I was told I have low B12. I'm having the shots for it, some weeks i feel ok then the next i feel crap, I just worry they have missed something.
I still think I'm stressing about it but the backs of my legs my calves really feel tight most days all day and I have broke out in spots on my face this week which I don't normally get.

How low was your B12? mines was 182 and i didnt get the shots just 3 months worth of tablets which i have taken and now being tested again next week.

26-05-17, 12:41
This is a very old thread. I don't think you'll get a response from any of the OPs.

Positive thoughts