View Full Version : hello

06-04-08, 12:45
My name is Bexs and I am up North. I just found yer site searching net for citalapram. some of the posts scared me..to tell the truth but we will see.
I suffer from post tramatic and more recently axiety on life in general.
and some other issues that I am dealing with.
Its good to know that there is online help out there in the form of groups like this..and to know your not alone.

06-04-08, 13:09
Hi Bexs,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

06-04-08, 13:16
Hi Bexs and:welcome:

Im sure your right, reading some of the stories here for the first time can be scarey but I hope you know your not alone here.

I hope you manage to write some more about yourself and talk to others.

I have PTSD its horrid.

If you want to talk pm me

Take care of you

06-04-08, 13:21
hiya bexs :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . im sure you will get lots of support/advice from all the great members just like i have. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all.

best wishes.
take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxxxx

06-04-08, 13:50
Hello Bex Dont Let Some Post Scare You It Dont Mean You Have Them Ect....i Wish Ya Well............linda

06-04-08, 13:53
Hi ... i read some horrible things about citalopram on the net in general and it nearly put me off of taking it but i can only speak rom experience and tell you that it has made a massive difference to my life. I was soo reluctant to take it, i felt that antidepressants were ok for other people but not something i would ever take. I had associated all sorts of negative feelings about them but i am happy to admit i was wrong. They can make a real difference to peoples lives. I accept that they do not help everybody but im not ashamed to admit now that they help me. I plan one day to come off them but its about quality of life for me and whilst they are not 'happy' pills in anyway they enable me to feel normal again, to think clearly and life my life without fear and crippling anxiety. Get as much info as you can if you are thinking of taking them and keep posting on this site if you have any worries about anything, there is always someone out there who will understand and be able to give advice.
Best Wishes and welcome :)

06-04-08, 19:37
Hi Bexs and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Try not to worry too much about the citalopram posts as any side effects do disappear and you may not get any at all. The posts can be unintentionally a little biased as those people who don't have any problems with citalopram tend not to post.

Take care,

Mike :)

06-04-08, 19:41
Hi Bexs a warm :welcome: to NMP. Try not to find all the negatives in the posts as side effects etc dont always happen to everyone. Citralopam didnt work for me so Im now on Effexor which is great.

Take care

06-04-08, 20:08
Hi Bexs,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

06-04-08, 22:20
Hi Bexs

A warm :welcome: to NMP and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

06-04-08, 23:24
Welcome to the site :D

07-04-08, 09:01
Hi Bexs,

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx