View Full Version : On meds but seem to be having a continuous panic attack

06-04-08, 18:35

Ive tried many ads, nothing has worked until NOvember, when I started Chlomipramine. Had bloody awful initial side effects for about a month, then have felt wonderful for a couple of months - almost normal again, but for the last month or so, feel like Im having a continuous panic attack.

I go out to shops everyday, I have to, otherwise, I will start to become agrophobic again, (spending a fortune, this way!!). The last month I have felt rather panicky and anxious going into shops but I have managed to cope. The last 2 weeks, I have gone into a shop, have become incrediably dizzy and feel as if I will fall to the floor, unconscious! WHen i feel like this, my legs get affected, they feel really heavy, and dont seem to work properly. THe only way to describe the feeling, is like Ive been out in the cold too long and the cold has affected them. :wacko:

What has happened? Has my medication stopped working? I feel like Ive gone backwards to when all this started!! I dont think I can cope with it anymore, I really thought Id beaten this demon, but it appears to have come back stronger.

If these meds have only worked for a couple of months, what happens now? What other meds can I try?

Just wondered, in this country Docs dont give out diazepam, very easily. So why does my mother in law, who lives in France, take them daily with her ads, as prescribed.

My previous Doc had no qualms about dishing them out, so I was very surprised when my new DOC would not give me any. AM I being unreasonable to ask for maybe 4 a month, to use in an emergency?:mad:

thank u for reading my rather long post, its feels better getting all this off my chest.

Lizzie xx

06-04-08, 19:48
What dosage Clomipramine are you on Lizzie? All antidepressants have a threshold where the medication works, if you slip below that threshold then they stop working. With Clomipramine you can go as high as 200mg a day. The other thing is that certain medications can effect the action of the antidepressant, even grapefruit juice, stopping you getting the benefits of it.

07-04-08, 00:58
Hi Lizzie

If you see a psychiatrist they will be able to prescribe diazepam or other benzo to help you get through the difficult times.

I agree with Tom that perhaps the dosage you are taking could be too low for you. Everyone is different and it doesn't mean that what works for one would work for another. In my case I was prescribed Lorazepam as well as anti depressants which helped me sleep and eat normal until the anti depressants kick in. I also had to increase the dose of Citalopram form 20 to 20 to 40mg before I felt well.

Best regards
