View Full Version : Is this a symptom of anxiety?

06-04-08, 20:54
Feeling sick all the time? I check my temp and it's all normal but i seem to be feeling sick way too much lately.. :(

06-04-08, 22:02
hi ... yep feeling sick can definitely be a symptom of anxiety, at least it has been for me.... when i am anxious i feel constantly sick.... and i can't eat properly ... its the adrenalin produced when we feel anxious that causes the symptoms. If you are worried, check it out with your doctor, you may also just be a bit run down or have had a bit of a bug.. but if it is anxiety you are not alone and you will find many suggestions on the site of how to deal with it....
All the best :hugs:

07-04-08, 10:02
I am also getting this at the moment, i am sure it is anxiety as it comes and goes depending on how i am feeling at the time.
I have been feeling really anxious for the last few weeks and have felt sick everyday,i guess if it was anything else i would of actually been sick by now, well at least thats how i like to think of it.
It can be difficult to eat but i force myself to eat something small but often as this seems to help.
Hope you feel better soon

07-04-08, 15:35
Hi there, yes I get this when I'm going through a particularly anxious spell. Somebody told me to sprinkle a little Peppermint Oil on a tissue and just tuck the tissue under your bra strap or maybe a top pocket and every so often you just get a faint aroma from it, often do this and it definately works for me, hope it does for you. Best Wishes.

07-04-08, 16:12
Just thought i would comment that medications taken for anxiety/depression have nausea as a common side effect. So if you are taking any meds maybe this could be contributing to your feeling of sickness.
