View Full Version : The first step is the hardest!!

07-04-08, 15:53
Hello! Twelve years ago, I overcame Agrophobia, which I had suffered with for seven years, but now it looks like its coming back and I am desperate!

I haven't had the easiest of lives, and last year was very very trying for me and towards the end of the year I started to get the odd panicy sensation now and again.....now though I get them every single time I think of going out!! Whenever I drive my car, I get a panic attack, especially if I am by myself. I cannot avoid going out at all times, as I have my 3 youngest children to take to school and collect everyday, and as I have no friends, there is no one but me.

I live in Stoke on Trent, but I am originally from Kent, so on moving up here I knew that I would have to make friends all over again, but assumed it would happen ok. Unfortunately for me, it hasn't...and I now spend everyday indoors on my own, becoming more and more isolated and more and more desperate.

I have been to the Doctor, but he said what with what happened last year its understandable...told me to get in touch with MIND which I recently did, but they have a 14 week waiting list.

I don't mean to complain, I usually keep things to myself, but I truly am desperate...I need friends, people who understand..my boyfriend has told me its 'in my head' and that just made me feel even more alone. He doesn't understand that all my symptoms are physical and that I truly am terrified, feeling faint, short of breath and heart beating like mad are all real!

Yesterday he wanted to take me out for the day...asked my older son to look after the little ones...but I couldn't do it! He then went into a right mood and barely spoke to me for the rest of the day and even today he is offish with me.

I need help I know I do, and this to me is my first step. I hope to get to know you all and maybe in my own way maybe help some of you too?

Guess that's it for now, like I said I do tend to keep clammed up so think I have said enough for now.

07-04-08, 16:27
hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . the trouble with ppl and anxiety/ agrophobia is unless you have/are suffering its hard to understand what it is realy like.and ppl saying its all in your mind and pull your self together is not realy helpful as thats what we would love to do the most. you can be rest assured you are not alone and you will get lots of support/advice from all the great members. dont be hard on yourself and try to stay positive about things as you have beaten this befor and you can and will again. dont forget to visit the chat room and talk to us all, even if you just fancy some company and a giggle.

best wishes
take care:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


07-04-08, 16:48
hi ... anxiety and panic are horrible .. i don't suffer with agrophobia but i do suffer from panic attacks, which are the symptoms that you are describing. Its horrendous and frightening for us sufferers and almost impossible for non-sufferers to understand... but don't give up hope... stay strong, it can be beaten.... baby steps, day by day.... all a bit corny i know, but sadly true.... it takes time... but you are right, this is the first step and you are sooo not alone here.... :hugs:

07-04-08, 20:21

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

07-04-08, 21:11

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

07-04-08, 22:23
Hi thevoicewithinme and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

07-04-08, 23:24
Hello And Welcome Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Support Here......i Wish Ya Well................linda

08-04-08, 09:16
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome. Sadly though right now I feel absolutely awful and so alone, but, I am not going to give up yet!

08-04-08, 14:07
Welcome to NMP

Looking forward to meeting you in chat or on the boards

Love nooeyxx

08-04-08, 17:38
Hi thevoicewithinme,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

09-04-08, 03:52
Welcome to the site! :D

09-04-08, 11:26

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

Granny Primark
09-04-08, 18:53
And welcome!
Trust me we all support and help one another on this site.
I honestly dont know how I would have coped without it. Its been my lifeline.
Hopefully this site and its members will be the same for you.
Im within a stones throw away from you and hope that I can be of help to you.
Please feel free to contact me via pm or email at anytime.

Take care

09-04-08, 19:48

i live in stoke on trent too, where abouts in stoke are you? feel free to chat to me if you want to. i'm agoraphobic too


09-04-08, 20:37
:yesyes: hi thevoicewithinme, i think you will have alot to offer the forum and i think you will make friends and not feel so alone, i also am very isolated, and i think its about stopping yourself from feeling worse by beating yourself up and keeping the whole neagativity cycle going? you have had a rough time recently, you are a past sufferer and you are alone - surely you can see that anybody with these things would be feeling the same? loneliness is a killer to deal with.

could you do some volunteering? i ask because ive started in my local save the children one afternoon a week and its really nice - dont think ill become drinking buddies with anyone as they are a bit old, but one of the ladies is lovely and we have even had a good laugh, shes great!

also, you could ge tin touch with nopanic in telford and get their 12 week recovery programme for the panics and agoro? you will have to join and you do have to buy the programme - all in all about £30, but its well worth it.

anyway i look forward to getting to know you and i hope nmp itself can be instrumental in your recovery? take care, emma:flowers: