View Full Version : Health anxiety/paranoia??

07-04-08, 17:01
OK so ive had this stupid rash for ages now..... i now only have a few spots in the morning when i wake up and they soon fade into the day


the intial fear i had over the rash has multiplied but 10. Ive had me blood tests done and all was fine but STILL i'm paranoid that i'm 1) Gonna have n allergic reaction to something or 2) my throat is just going to close over for the sheer hell of it or 3) my tongue is gonna swell up!!

I swear it's driving me insane :doh:

This is how bad it has got....

1. even stuff i have been eating for years, i'm scared to go near incase i'm allergic.

2. scared to touch some things incase i'm allergic

3. i won't try anything new, yup you got it-incase i'm allergic

4. if i wake during the night, i search my body for any type of sopt/rash

5. i'm always rolling my tongue to make sure it's not swollen

5. constantly looking in the mirror to make sure i got a nice wide throat and it's not swelling

When will it ever end?? I honestly thought when my bloods came bk ok, that would be the end to my paranoia but it seems i'm wrong again.


Sorry for yet another rant

Love Lisa

07-04-08, 18:45
Hi Lisa
Awww I am really sorry to hear you are feeling like this-----you have been so kind in helping me with my last 2 posts!
Well---what can i say other than i know EXACTLY how you are feeling cos i am the same myself!!
As i said, I went to the doctors just before Xmas after prodding about with a swelling on my neck for 6 weeks.
He felt it--said there was nothing there---even though i am comvinced that i can still feel something---but still sent me for an X ray of my chest/neck and blood tests.
These all came back 100% fine but yet i still continue(as i said in my last post) to prod and poke about day in and day out!!!
Plus---I even got another GP at the same practice to have a feel of my neck!!!!
What is it all about????I wish that we could be different.
I keep telling myself that i am fine, I have had all the tests and i am ok.I keep repeating it several times a day but hey it doesnt work!!
Sorry hun that i cant be more help to you---I soo wish i could but if you need to PM me please do cos i fully understand what you are going through.
I am sure that you are fine cos blood tests are so reliable(what am i saying cos i need to take my own advice LOL LOL!!!!!)
It is so tiring though isnt it??I understand totally about checking in the night cos i do the same. Light goes on, mirror out and hey i am looking for lumps and bumps at 4am in the morning. How mad am I????
Take care and mail me if you need to chat xxxx

07-04-08, 19:05
I recon this bleedin Health anxiety is taking the p**s jelly!! what are we like?....I got few spots now under the waist band of my jeans, i just saw them and started to panic till my friend came in and said and told me they were tiny compared to what i have had and to stop panicing as i will make it flare up!! Grrrrrrrrrr!!

I think i need a live in doctor to constantly re-assure me lol

Thanks hun for the reply!!

Oh and you pm me anytime too

Lots of love


07-04-08, 19:25
awwww lisa and jelly big hugs to both of you and i hope this passes for you real soon. i know how frustrating the getting up in the night and constant checking can be ive done it myself. plz try not to worry so much and let your mind do over time, i know how hard that is to do but plz try.
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie. xxxxxxxxx

ps ill try to put it into practise as well.

07-04-08, 20:19
Hello Lisa,
I had this fear after my allergic rash as well - couldn't think of anything to have caused it and started to ret! under your waistband is probably a small heat rash. I think your body might be a little more reactive than usual to things like heat and sweat for awhile. The worry fades away, though - I don't even think about it now. Hope you start forgetting about it soon!

07-04-08, 20:27
thanks so much gals!! your always there with good advice!

My little rash is now quite large, but still around the waistband where me jeans were, erm prob coz i took them off and let me skin breath again :blush: hehe!!

thankyou again!!!

mwah mwah


07-04-08, 20:58
Hey Lisa

You will get the rash when pressure is applied, its called dermographisim

And i was petrified of eating/drinking for ages, as i was scared it would induce a reaction.

Remember hunny, its chronic, not acute so would not be a reaction to food etc..

We will get there!!! AAGGHHHH


07-04-08, 21:11

DermoWHAT hun??? soz i'm so blonde when it comes to that!! :huh:

Damn i feel better already though lol!!!



08-04-08, 09:14
Oh Lisa :doh: where oh where has the lady gone that sent me a text message the other day full of happiness???? God love you sweetpea cos it's so c%$p when the reasurrance doesnt last long hun :hugs: I told you to put what the doctor told you onto your fridge didnt I didnt I aye you dopey mare :lac: You have all the hugs you need from me as I've been where you are soooooo many times and we are our own worst enemies where this old health anxietys concerned. :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

P.S. Mind them hugs aint sexual ok :whistles: :yahoo: xxxxx

08-04-08, 09:42
Mandy thanks me darlin mate!! I know i'm defo my own worst enemy because as far as i know, stress can bring me spotties out...and i woke up this morning with some on me tummy and instantly felk sick, panicy, sweaty and grrrrrrr all the usual things! i have been stressing over the past few days but don't know how to stop!!!

loads of Love


08-04-08, 09:56
Dermographisim is when pressure is applied to skin, or you scratch yourself it leaves behind a weal - urticaria mark. I get it now.

Just think you have no way as much of this horrid rash that you had before,

Big gigantic huge hugs for you hunny bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-04-08, 10:29
:hugs: from me too lisa, i wouldn't wish health anxiety on anyone. I sometimes have to laugh at some of the things i have obsessed about in the past though. You become a contortionist with a mirror and a torch, sneakily prodding in the middle of the night, dashing off to loos for a quick check. We should have t shirts printed.

love anx x

08-04-08, 10:54
Thanks again Emira! i suppose if i can learn not to stress as much then i may get less spots! Grrrrrrrr.......lol!!!

Anxious.....i seriously never knew how bad health anxiety could get, i wouldn't say it was new to me but on this scale it is. Loving your idea about the t-shirt. I'll have mine in pink please lol.

Thanks again for the advice, it's good to know others understand!!

Love and hugs

08-04-08, 11:06
Awww Lisa :hugs:

Try your hardest not to stop eating normal foods and touching normal things! That's when this old anxiety can get really out of control and become a much bigger problem. Carry on trying new things and see what happens....nothing I'm betting. Prove to yourself that you are not going to have an allergic reaction. Bag of peanuts, some milk and eggs, go and kiss a cat! I would say go and get stung by a wasp too but that would just be going too far!

I'm sure the jeans thing was just heat or the dermographism thing. I always get urticaria when I've had a really hot bath or shower, and that's just from the heat.

Your bloods were all fine so no need to worry about it!

I saw a copy of Home and Garden at work and thought of you :winks:

xxx :flowers:

08-04-08, 11:18
Ohhhhhhhhhh ffsk lmfao rofl pmsl........Trust you wumin!!! Now that really DID make me laugh :roflmao:

I kiss me cat all the time (don't tell a soul)
I been stung 4 bleedin times over the past few years (nastly little beggers always use me for target practice)

Erm home and gardens......psssssst but i got me street cred to think of

S'poss i just got to learn to live with this dang thing, yeah??

Thanks mate!!!

Loads of Love

08-04-08, 11:26
Hi Lisa
Hope you are ok today-----I am going to try and not feel myself for lumps and bumps for a whole day.
Just something ANXIOUS posted on my thread-----I am wondering if it will be possible.
I know how rubbish all this is. If it is any help I have never ever worried about my health to this extent----and the more i think about it the more i think the house move has more than likely triggered it off!!!!!

08-04-08, 11:38
Lmao Jelly

I was just pm'ing you as you were writing that...spooky lol!!

I'm perking up a wee bit now thanks hun!!

I defo think your house move was your trigger, it all fits in nicely.

I hope you non checking for a week works out, do you think you will manage that!! tiz a long time??

Loads of love


08-04-08, 11:54
Hi Lisa
LOL A DAY!!!!! A week would be impossible---sorry did i put week!!!!
I have mailed you back---- and yes i do think the house move was the trigger. The day we moved the whole thing went pear shaped--the carpets werent laid and they finished at 11 at night as we sat freezing with our dog shaking as they cut the laminate flooring and stuff!!Nightmare to say the least!!
We did get some compensation but thats not the point as it all well and truly knocked me for six!!!
I really didnt put 2 and 2 together til now but my last terrible bout of anxiety was after the birth of my lovely son(He is lovely even at 22 lol!!!) and i had 2 babies and a WONDERFUL ex!!!! So yes, it does all fit in to place which makes it a lot easier now to deal with---so a huge thanks xxxxx

08-04-08, 12:15
S'poss i just got to learn to live with this dang thing, yeah??

'Fraid so :) And it sounds like it's getting better, albeit slowly. We know that stress makes it worse, so I reckon as you relax with it a bit, it will improve even more.

I've got a condition called Endometriosis. I ignore it mainly and take the tablets (I refused for the first few months :winks:). My surgeon said to me 'you have to accept you have a disease'. I still refuse lol. But I think it's true really. Once you just accept it and stop fretting about it, it just becomes another part of your life and not such a big problem. Having said that, I have a scan coming up so will see how accepting I am then!

You're gonna be fine hun. Kissing the cat is always good!

xxx :flowers:

08-04-08, 16:05
Ok i'll do me best to accept it....erm when it stops scaring the b'jesus out of me lol.

You let me know how that scan goes wumin. I have heard of that thing you have but not really got a clue what it is. I shall have to google! oh erm maybe not. bad idea for me i think lol.

Thanks again mate

Love Lisa

09-04-08, 09:05
Woke up this morning with my torso covered in the rash :weep:

I did have quite a stressfull night last night with my wee boy acting up so i don't know if they are related, but i'm away thinking all this other stuff again now!!

God i'm pig sick of it all


09-04-08, 10:50
Awww Lisa I hope you are ok.
PLEASE TRY NOT TO WORRY. I too have a rash round my belly button. If i hadnt had it before(last year when i used to go to the gym i got it quite frequently) I would definately link it in with my worry of having you know what!!!!
Seriously, this health anxiety is terrible isnt it??? You have had the blood tests back ok(as i have ho hum) and all is good. Just try and focus on that. I am sure it is all down to stress.
Do you think your bedroom could be too warm or too warm duvet???
I was having slight night sweats(yes another of my symptoms) til my OH pointed out that the duvet was too thick and windows shut. I am fine now i have left the window on vent(Permantly) and reduced the tog of my duvet!!!!!!

09-04-08, 13:19
Hi Jelly,

Could be anything hun, i give up!!!

I'm just so stressed with it all!!

Love Lisa

09-04-08, 20:57
Oh, it's rubbish, isn't it?! I would have a few days when it would go down 'Yippee!' I thought, only for another bump to appear. Are you still taking the anti histamines? And did you take steroids (sorry, I can't remember). It might be a reaction to a particular type of pollen, or it could be stress induced as you said.

Have you thought of bed bugs? Don't mean to horrify you, but I thought of this, and even phoned the council - they would have sent someone out to check for me, if the rash hadn't gone. The bites are usually very different to uritcaria, though. Hope you feel better soon - it will go away, I promise!

09-04-08, 21:28
Hello hun!!

Ok i got my sensible head back on here!! i seriously think it's stress related and i'll tell you why!! I have been really stressed for about 7 months now! my dad passed away which was devastating. He left me and my bro money which i decided to have my house renovated with! for about 6 months i have people in and out of my house almost on a daily basis doing some type of work or another! work almost done then BANG rash. Possibly a delayed reaction.

I'm on very strong allery tabs and still i get these flare ups!! my friend challenged me to try something earlier to prove this!! I had a flare up when she was in and she told me my house was far too bleedin hot, so i got some spots around waistband AGAIN...started freaking!! she said ffsk..when you panic, your heart beats fatser, your bp goes way high and the adrnalin (can't spell that) goes through the roof!! she told me to pack a towel with ice, calm bloomin down and sit with it on me tummy :blush:. You'll never guess what!!? it calmed it right down.

She also said if i was having a mega allergic reaction, a bit of ice would be useless lol. Now she made me fill a hot water bottle with cold water and put it in the freezer for a bit ready for me next flare up-coz she knows i will panic again. she's such a bully lol!!

what do you think??

Love Lisa

09-04-08, 21:40
I think you have a very sensible friend, listen too her :yesyes:

:hugs: anx xx

09-04-08, 23:02
Actually, that's a good point. I awlays sleep with a 'sold water' bottle in the summer becuase I get a really bad heat rash. And my friend's house, which is always boiling, always brings me out in a rash. Try turning your heating down, girl!! If you are on strong anti allergy pills, it would suggest it is not an allergy, but a reaction to heat and/or pressure and/or stress. No wonder you have been stressed! Even 'good' stress like having house renovated causes the same reaction in the body. Take a chill pill...literally. Oh, I'm so funny. Not. you can buy something called a 'Chillow' which is always cool (allegedly). Cheap man's air con - think I'm going to get one for this summer. Hope you feel better!

09-04-08, 23:20
Hear hear!

Sounds like you have a good friend there.

6 months of renovation would have anyone stressed out hun. 2 weeks was enough for me. Losing your Dad will also have had a profound effect on you - possibly more than you realise. Been there, done that and I know how hard it is :hugs:

Try the ice, and try not to get caught up in panic when you have the rash, as you know it is only going to make it worse. Also remember that panic doesn't cause your throat to close up, so even if you panic and get rashy, still nothing to worry about.

Hope tomorrow is a better day!

xxx :flowers:

10-04-08, 09:11
Thanks guys xxxx

Woke up covered again (torso) :mad:. Have to admit, got myself into a bit of a flap again. I feel i am sounding like a broken record here but i just can't help panicing about it. :wacko: You lot have been so good helping me through this and i just hope i can return the favour one day.

Love Lisa

10-04-08, 09:25
You always return the favour, your a fab support!!

Sorry you have that darn rash again Grrrr

I am anxious today, no idea why, just feel crappy :weep: :weep: and nervous, trying not to google!!
Just throw myself into work



10-04-08, 09:41
Google search engine is banned lol. It's evil!!!


10-04-08, 09:55
Google has caused me so much anxiety it should have a health warning on it. Hope you all have a good day, lovely and sunny here:D

anx x

10-04-08, 10:04
Morning anx hun!!

Cold and rainy here (typical bleedin Scotland).

Yeah i agree about Google for us Health anxiety sufferers, it's too easy to go there add 1+1 and come up with 11. :wacko:

I'm just relaxing till my Plague goes away then i'm going to do my housework.

Hope you have a good day too hun
Love Lisa
xxxxxxx :bighug1:

10-04-08, 10:34
doesn't 1+1 make 11 :roflmao: I had a good start to the day but i have this itchy mole behind my ear (this is where being a contortionist with mirrors helps:blush: ). I know its because i've just had my hair coloured and the skin gets a bit dry - but my mind is trying desperately to go into over drive. Didn't help all that on the news about sunbeds & skin cancer last week.
Oh the joys of ha :winks:

:hugs: anx x

10-04-08, 11:06
It will be because you have had your hair done hun. Anxiety will be throwing it all out of proportion (like it does). :mad:

I'm running around with my duster and hoover and STILL thinking RASH RASH RASH.......:wacko:. I swear i'm going insane!!! lol Grrrrrrrrrrrrr


10-04-08, 11:07
Hi Lisa,
Hope today is going ok for you!!I can sooo sympathise cos i know how you feel day in day out.
We are going away in 3 weeks ---just 4 days to the Lake District so quite near home BUT I am convinced i will take really ill up there and you can imagine the rest!!!!!!!!Sooo annoying isnt it?????
Today i have come down with the start of a cold so that isnt good news as my glands go up straight away.
OOOOO to be well!!!!!!!Going to get on with some housework now!

10-04-08, 11:11
(((((((((((( jelly ))))))))))))

Poor thing!! make sure you take something for that cold and get lots of rest.

Lake District is amazing! Used to go there loads when i was a kid, my mum's uncle lived in a tiny wee village called Naddle Gate if i remember correctly. stunning place!!


Love Lisa

10-04-08, 11:22
I swear i'm going insane!!!

lol i lost that battle years ago, i'm well insane.

Hi Jelly, i love the lakes you lucky thing,

anx xx