View Full Version : Question...

07-04-08, 19:25
Hi everyone, I have a question for you all.. last night, I awoke from my sleep & I had a little bit of chest pain... it turned out to be gas (which, it ALWAYS is) but even knowing that, I always seem to work myself up to thinking it is something more... anyway, I get the chills & all of a sudden, my legs start violently shaking... this has happened once before. Has anyone ever experienced that? I also find that if I get 2 cold washcloths & place one on the back of my neck & one on my forehead, that it actually helps calm me down & I can go back to sleep again. Also, the symptoms of a heart attack are so similar to anxiety & they are so persistant so if we actually were god forbid having a heart attack, how would you know? I would think I was having anxiety... that is very scary to me... any input on that, that could ease my mind?
Thanks in advance.

07-04-08, 19:57
Hi Jeannie!!

Hun, trust me here, if it was a heart attack, the pain wouldn't go and you certainly wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. I wake up alot in the night with chest pains too and i'm convinced it's my anxiety!

Anxiety can effect you in sleep too. It can come out of nowhere even when you are at your most relaxed.

The shakey leg thing....classic of anxiety!!! and the tempreture change! I was hoovering upstairs today and out of the blue my whole body just seemed to go on fire. It can work the other way too by suddenly feeling really cold.

I really do think your symptoms are anxiety, and i wouldn't worry about it hun, it can't hurt you!!

You take care

Lots of Love


08-04-08, 02:22
When I wake up in the middle of the night with chest pains, I either turn on a light and breathe/try to clear my mind and meditate, or just turn on a TV and try to completely take my mind off it(easier said than done :)).
If the pain subsides a bit when you clear you head or turn your attention away from it, it's definately just anxiety. Being woken up by chest pains or discomfort is something I get a lot too.