View Full Version : when it starts

25-03-05, 04:22
w hen my panic starts i feel a cold creeping from inside me and wham my upper chest tightens and i could not get enough air.does anybody feel this way too?sometimes my symptom shifts and i get this weird
taste before it all start and my body gets to feel clammy especially on my hands and feet.this is like a vicious cycle.and i just hate it when people tells me that its all in my head and i need to snap out of it.The feelings are so so real.

25-03-05, 07:08
Yes the feelings are real to us and those people who tell you to 'snap out of it' do not understand what you are going through. From my experiences, panic can rear its ugly head in many different ways. Stick with this site and you will get lots of support from people who know exactly what you are going through. You don't need to tackle this on your own.
Take care,

25-03-05, 10:49
That is the worst thing people can say because if you could you would. Have been told that myself.

It is normal with a panic attack how you are feeling and i know the symptoms are horrible and hard to contend with but they do pass. Try to relax as much as possible and tell yourself that it wont last forever.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-03-05, 11:00
hello there,

I know exactly how you feel. Whilst those people who tell us to snap out of it don't really understand, they do however have a point. It IS all in our heads. I'm not saying that it's as easy as that but it is possible. The fact that we can learn how to deal with it proves that it is all in our heads. If it weren't, then we wouldn't be able to learn how to deal with it, would we? We're stuck in a vicious circle that we need to learn how to get out of..

Sarah :D

25-03-05, 15:36
hi if it was possible to "pull yourself together" as i get told lots then im sure i would have done it by now people who dont suffer dont know how real all this is and how bad it can make you feel what you are feeling is "normal" for a panic so try not to worry too much

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

25-03-05, 15:49
hi there,
you should definitely ignore anyone who tells you to snap out of it, or get a grip or whatever. those comments are bound to make you feel worse and are usually made by people who have no idea what you are experiencing.

i get the same symptoms as you (plus loads more!!) and when i feel it coming on i just try to stay calm and tell myself that it's just anxiety, nothing worse, and that if i focus on something else (tv, paper, whatever), it'll eventually pass. i tell myself that it'll still feel uncomfortable but it won't get worse and wont' last forever. anyway, this is easier said than done, but it gets easier over time, it really does.

henri x

25-03-05, 15:56
Hi there, the amount of times, over the years, that i have heard 'pull yourself together' or 'get a grip' - for goodness sake, if we could, we would. It is a vicious circle, but it can be controlled. - easier said then done, i know. I get an awful feeling in my stomach to start, then it goes down to my backside (yes i know - trust me to have this different feeling) then i get hot clammy, dizzy etc...i try to control it by breathing and distracting myself, but a lot of times 'it' gets me when i least expect 'it' to and i'm not prepared, it is only the mind working overtime, but my goodness, the feelings are real enough take care xx