View Full Version : To panic or not to panic ...

08-04-08, 12:51
... that is my question. Hello everyone and sorry to start so pretentiously, but this really is my question. I have experienced twice in the last couple of years something that might be described as physical signs of panic, (trembling hands, flip-flop stomach, thump-thump heart), without a corresponding feeling of panic - when this last happened, in a supermarket, I just stood and observed myself in a kind of detatched way. Over the last two days I've begun to have dizzy spells (which, coincidentally have stopped whilst on this site). If I have an emotion it is a kind of vague dread that if I press this too much I will get more than I bargained for. So why are my 'symptoms' not present whilst I'm actually doing something (writing this) that does some pressing?
Anyway, this is more a brief intro rather than an attempt to solicit advice, but I would like to hear if anyone has experienced anything similar as I feel quite isolated by this. Thanks for reading.

08-04-08, 13:10
Hi Martin

Welcome to NMP :)

Your symptoms are typical of anxiety. The more you focus on them and try to push them away, the stronger they become.

Distraction is a good way of dealing with these feelings maybe this is why some symptoms have stopped whilst you are occupying yourself on here.

Its impossible to do two things at once (unless you are female of course ;) ) so the brain/mind has to concentrate on whatever you are doing. This helps reduce the feelings/symptoms.

Have a look around the forum and keep posting - the chatroom is a great place to meet people too :)

Jo xxxxx

08-04-08, 13:26
hi martin

yes, this does sound like anxiety and jo is right about distraction....also relaxation and positive thinking will help, although hard i know when in the midst of a panic attack...good luck mate and welcome to nmp


08-04-08, 13:50
Thanks for your welcome, Dawny and Jo. Try as I might to keep your words in my brain/mind, I cannot help feeling both relief and upset that you have responded. I'm not sure about what is positive and what is negative any more but my upset does not seem negative.

08-04-08, 13:57
Hello and welcome :) I too am new on here, but I find myself personally speaking that if I am starting to feel anxious, and start to do something else i.e. come on here, or even housework...the feelings seem to fade away.

08-04-08, 14:02
Welcome to NMP

Looking forward to meeting you in chat or on the boards

Love nooeyxx

08-04-08, 14:58
Thanks Nooey and theVoicewithinMe (sorry about the capitals, they just seemed right).
I'm new to chat and boards, Nooey, so will feel my way and get there eventually I'm sure.
Yes, I don't feel anxious, or rather I don't have my body telling me I'm anxious when I'm here, theVoicewithinMe. I do feel scared, yet the difference between my fear and my anxiety is like being in a boxing ring - when I'm scared I can see my opponent (myOpponentwithinMe if you like), but when I'm anxious I'm blindfolded. I'd rather be scared than blindfolded, which is why I'm here I guess.
Thanks again, Martin

08-04-08, 15:49
I kind of understand what you mean misterbean. To me, this anxiety and panic attacks are like one big fight, everyday I have to fight to carry on with life as normal as possible. I have to stay in control of myself...if I don't...then I lose!

08-04-08, 16:10
You mean that your days are filled with with battle against your anxiety and panic thevoicewithinme? That when you come to this site, you can achieve some form of truce, respite?
Perhaps that is what I seek. And something more - I think that you suggest that to lose is to lose normality, or an outward show of normality. I seem to have already lost this and ... well it peters out there. Slippery thing.

08-04-08, 16:20
When I am at home misterbean, I am 9 times outta 10 perfectly ok...although very isolated, but when I know I have to go out...then its a whole different kettle of fish!! My stomach starts doing silly somersualts, I try and think of an excuse not to go....and then when I'm in the car, and turn into the next road....bang the panic hits me, I feel faint and so out of control.

I can't and won't let it beat me. I am by nature a very stubborn person. I conquered it once before, even if it did take me 7 years..but for the last 12 years I have been free...not confined to my house..too afraid to open the front door. I swore back then that if I ever ended up that way again..I would kill myself...harsh words I know...but those were the blackest days of my life...and 7 lost years. I know, right now, that I am not going to kill myself. I am the sole parent of my children and my youngest three need me so I have to win this fight...for them...as well as for myself.

08-04-08, 17:00
Goodness. You have described, so vividly my stomach did a flip, exactly what happens when I apply for a job. Didn't expect that in my 'this is me' thread.

So what you are fighting, with a mixture of 'I will not' and 'I must not' is a return to where you were, a place that you had thought beaten? Thank you for sharing that with me/us. I have a liking for stubbornness.

08-04-08, 17:31
Hi Martin,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

08-04-08, 18:58
Hi Martin

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Take some time to read the website pages on the left as well.

You will get loads of support and advice here.

09-04-08, 03:50
Welcome to the site! :D

09-04-08, 11:29

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

09-04-08, 11:32
hiya Misterbean :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice from all the great ppl and make some lovely friends along the way. dont forget to vist the chat room where you cam talk to us all about what ever you like or just have a giggle.
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxx

09-04-08, 20:13
Hi Martin and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Have you been to your GP to get advice? I found that learning more about panic and anxiety really helped me to understand.

Take care,

Mike :)