View Full Version : Strange head feelings

08-04-08, 14:16
I think I've posted about this before but here I am again. I was okay yesterday did some work on computer but this morning felt strange not dizzy as in room spinning, but kind of pressure in my nose and pressure in head and a feeling of woozyness. As the sun was out I decided to take the dogs out really enjoyed the walk although feeling was at the back of my mind, just as I was coming back everything went sideways and I staggered for a second,got home ok but now I am thinking alsorts. Also my neck is stiff as I was working with my head down alot for a week, now when I put my head down I feel dizzy. I told my doc this the other day and he just said I have a balance problem ( have been to ENT and their tests were inconclusive ). Now I can't stop thinking about falling down while I'm out and brain tumors, tumors in my nose or spine.:scared15: Does anyone know if a stiff neck can make you dizzy Heeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!!

08-04-08, 17:19
Hi Lesley
I know it's hard. but try not to worry. I had the same symptoms for months, pressure in face and nose,and had a brain and sinus scan and all came back normal. I still have the pain everyday and am sure I must have something wrong. The GP says it may be sinus related...but the scans showed no signs of sinusitus.

I think you may have a sinus problem like me

What tests did you have at the ENT?

It's good you have been to the docs, go back if you arn't happy.

I'm trying hopi ear candles on Thursday they are supposed to help with sinusitus and pressure

Keep your chin up


08-04-08, 18:01
Me three!

I've been seeing a physio who says it's all related to posture and stress. It is way worse the day after a bout of stress or anxiety in fairness.

I've got some exercises to do....one of them is lying down for 30 mins :o)

Fairy, I'd be interested to hear about your ear candling experiences. I was going to try it...

08-04-08, 18:42
Thanks for your replies, FLH the tests involved being strapped in a harness and standing on a platform that moved and also the walls moved as well, not nice!!! Atmolov I do have bad posture so prehaps I will suggest this to doc.

08-04-08, 18:42
Yes, it sounds quite good. I booked it at Neal's Yard Remedies, who have a treatment room (didn't fancy the beauty salon route!) - I will report back on whether it helps! Also thinking about trying some Goldenseal which is supposed to be a herbal equivalent of antibiotic and good for relieving pressure.

I imagine I will look very strange with candles sticking out of my ears!

09-04-08, 09:17
My boss had it done for tinnitus and swears by it, so it'll be interesting to see the results!

09-04-08, 10:50
I have seriously damaged neck and my major symptom for past 12 years has been dizziness and vertigo. I can no longer work as I can't bend my head down for any length of time or I fall over!

I have been told by my neurosurgeon that all his neck patients have terrible balance problems as the neck muscles and bones actually have balance receptors in them so if your neck muscles are tense for whatever reason ( can be simple as just anxiety) then this will affeft your balance.

The first ever symptom I got of my neck trouble was pins and needles at base of neck and I kept falling forward and hitting my desk!! I went through al the brain tumour fears as well and this is about 16 yrs ago. I also had weird crawling senstaions all over my head and face and ear pains etc so after endless ent and brain tests all normal I finally accepted that my bdly damamged neck ( I have herniated and prolapsed disc and bad arthritis) is the cause of so many weird symptoms.

09-04-08, 19:30
Thank you country girl,that has helped alot to calm my mind.I am sorry you have such a bad time, mine seems trivial now.:bighug1:

10-04-08, 09:29
after reading your post I have a very similar thing!!! not to sure what it causing it I was putting it down to stress as the last couple of days have been horrid and I have a wierd pain in the back of my head but think thats more down to neck pain.

If you find out anymore let me know please.

Hope you feel better soon

10-04-08, 16:37
I am trying to deal with strange head sensations too at the minute.

Mine feel like they stem from my neck - as my neck suddenly goes tight which then goes into my head so all the muscles feel like they are rock hard. Then it makes me feel really dizzy. Does anyone know what it could be. Trying hard not to panic, but today after this happened I got a pins and needles sensation in the back of my head. It only last about 15 seconds - but enough to scare the **** out of me.

The muscles in my shoulders feel really tight so hoping it is just tension in my muscles. Any thoughts?

12-04-08, 06:44
hey guys.

I used to be REAL dizzy all the time and I used to crack my neck like habitually at least once an hour in both directions. This made my neck very stiff, one day I decided that I am going to stop cracking my neck. It was hard to break the cycle, but I made a point of noticing each time i wanted to crack it and just not do it. I now dont crack my neck at all and guess what, I no longer have a stiff neck and stiff shoulders and my dizziness has improved by 10 fold !!!

13-04-08, 15:29
hi there, i suffer from strange head feelings and dizziness, like my head is full of cotton wool, its a strange feeling which nobody seems to understand. ive had hopi ear candle therapy twice now which does help, just make sure you go to someone who knows what there doing, im fortunate to have my best friend as a qualified holistic aromatherapist who does the ear candle, she also gives me oils to inhale when i feel anxious. try a holistic aromatherapy massage, they really do relax you and ease tension. if you want anymore info on hopi ear candle or oils just ask.

13-04-08, 15:59
""felt strange not dizzy as in room spinning, but kind of pressure in my nose and pressure in head and a feeling of woozyness." "
I am waiting for ENT appointment for vertigo.
Do any of you get the awful nausea as well??
You just feel sick in your stomach and throat.
I know anxiety and fear add to symptoms but it is hard to stay calm.
Best wishes

13-04-08, 20:04
I don't feel sick, but when I go shopping looking round at things makes me feel very peculiar, I have to talk to myself to keep going ;I argue with myself telling myself I will be ok just ignore it then I will think I can't do it.I always manage to stay and finish but have to buy myself a cake LOL!!:ohmy:

15-04-08, 00:23
Nice reward:yesyes: And well done for winning your arguement:yesyes:
had my ENT app today they say I have a perferated eardrum - and "come back in 8 weeks.
No explanations - that was it. Oh and keep taking the tablets.
When I was worried about brain tumour - I went to the optician. they can usually find anything untoward:)
Best wishes

15-04-08, 14:19
Yes my eyes do need testing, prehaps I will make an apointment now I have gone all hot supposing they find something:scared15: ; ah but supposing they don't:D got that from Piglet wise words.