View Full Version : Why are mornings so difficult?

08-04-08, 16:01
Hi everyone .. I'm sure many of us have the same problem but am hoping that some of you may have some ideas and suggestions to help.

I awake of a morning and everything instantly seems overwelming. Getting out of bed is a major task and then things that I would normally do without a thought e.g. loading the washing machine, feeding the animals seem so difficult. I get through them and give myself a pat on the back but its the same the next day.

I seem to have calmed down a bit by lunchtime.

Anyone else with similar problems?

08-04-08, 17:01
Hi Caz.... OMG yes, i do!!.. the mornings are cr*p!! ....why????... i just don't understand it either :shrug: ...... as you said it gets easier as the day goes on but im exhusted by then.......does anyone know why?... i dread going to sleep at nite now cos i know ive got such an uphill struggle again the next morning....:wall:
i would welcome any suggestions too.....
xx Rach

08-04-08, 17:05
Hello another 'I hate mornings' person here!

When I first get up I am hopeless. I barely have enough energy to put the kettle on for a coffee. By mid day I am feeling better and usually save my jobs till then. I've no idea why mornings are so bad though. They used to be worse than this actually. A few weeks ago just getting dressed wore me out and I'd have to sit down and recover. Now though, it's getting easier if not perfect yet.


08-04-08, 18:00
Absolutely. I've noticed that immediately when I wake up, I'm OK, but as soon as I start thinking about things, stomach cramp and vague anxiety set in. Things that didn't worry me when I was going to bed seem scary.

I've tried the following a couple of times, and I think it worked for a while: before you go to sleep, press your fingers on your temples, and say to yourself, "When you wake up in the morning, you feel calm and happy." Keep saying it out loud to yourself until you really believe it. Reword it if necessary so that it's short and snappy and rhythmic. It's the meaning you attach to the words that counts, not the words themselves.

I've done this a couple of times and each time, I'm sure I felt better when I woke up the next day. It didn't cure my general anxiety but it may have helped me get out of the rut of feeling utter doom first thing in the morning. At the moment it's not all that bad - more discomfort than outright fear.

08-04-08, 18:36
When we wake, our thoughts immediately focus on the fact that we've got another Whole day to get through full of anxiety, panic and fear. The more we lay there, the more anxious we become so that by the time we get up, everything feels exhausting.

The next morning we wake, we remember how much we suffered the previous day. We again focus on the thought that we've a Whole day to get through...........and the cycle continues.

If we expect to suffer, then we'll suffer. If we expect to feel panic, then we'll panic. Our worrying thoughts create all our anxiety symptoms.

If we feel under a lot of stress at work and we don't enjoy the job we do, we'll wake dreading the thought of having to get up and go in so immediately our thoughts create our anxious feelings.

Often we're so used to every day being an effort that from the moment we wake we expect to struggle. Even when we're asleep our subconscious continues our fear through dreams and nightmares because our lives are surrounded by fear.

I can remember the days I woke in a sweat with anxiety, being sick and the panics that followed.

However, it is possible to break the cycle and wake in the morning looking forward to living life again by making changes to our thinking and in our day to day lives.:hugs:

08-04-08, 20:12

Im another that finds the mornings the worst:ohmy: . Ive noticed though if im at home it takes ages for me to come round but if i get out of bed then shortly after take the dog for a quick walk the fresh air seems to bring me round quicker.


08-04-08, 21:41
I too have never been a morning person but I tell myself "this is the worst you will feel all day" I too am better if it is my turn to walk the dog- probably acombination of the fresh air and the distraction of people I meet on the way especially the ones who are having a moan. usually about the weather!!!