View Full Version : Bruising

08-04-08, 16:40
I am bruising just down my left arm, nowhere else on my body at all. I have 3 down the side of my lower arm, quite big too. Another one is appearing and I have one on my finger on the same side.

I do not recall banging myself at all certainly not 4 or 5 times!! They didn't all come up at once, just every few days I get a new one.

They are 5-10p size.

Anyone else had this?

I know its a daft question but its been playing on my mind since it started the other week.

08-04-08, 20:34
Hi Cherry

I went in the bath last night and was shocked to count 6 small bruises on my legs! Like you i cant remember banging myself.:ohmy: Saying that though, i have always bruised very easy, im very paled skin and bruises seem to show up so easy. Was just wondering if you where pale skinned too?


08-04-08, 21:33
I think I've said this before but I truly bruise like a peach and this seems to have got even more noticable as I've got older.

I've only just got rid of a cracker that I didn't really remember getting but like Andy says I too am very pale skinned.

I tell you a marvellous cream that I'm using now (can't think why I haven't been using this before) is Nelsons Arnica cream that you can get most supermarkets and chemists. Really good stuff that helps any bruises heal that bit quicker. You can also take them as tablets if you had a really bad one.

Trouble is once we start noticing it then it becomes yet another thing we worry at over and over doesn't it, till we find something else to have a go at that is!! :blush: :lac:

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-04-08, 21:49
Thanks very much.

I am very pale skinned and I have always bruised easily just not usually this much at once, lol!

09-04-08, 18:32
Do you eat any of the follow in either food or vitamins

ginkgo biloba,
fish oil,
vitamin E.

These can lead to excess bruising.

A deficiency in vitamin K, vitamin C and flavonoids can lead you to bruise easily.
Vitamin C helps bruising.

Herbs such as arnica, comfrey and sweet clover can also help with bruising.

09-04-08, 19:14
Scooby what foods have vitamin k in them hun?

Piglet :flowers:

09-04-08, 19:22
I think it's just given to babies when they are born as an injection or in an eye drop.
Had a quick look on the internet and it say's you can find vitamin K in Broccoli and carrots.

09-04-08, 20:00
Carrots it is then mate - cheers!!!

Love Bugs Bunny :flowers:

09-04-08, 20:06

No I don't take anything extra with those in. I do take a good multivitamin and 1000mg of vitamin c every day.

I shall chat to my GP if it continues for much longer.


09-04-08, 20:07
Hi didnt realise that certain foods can make you bruise easier:ohmy: .

Im going to have to change my diet and see if that helps, no more chicken vindaloos for me!:weep:

Thanks for the advice Scooby :hugs:
