View Full Version : Hi people. New person again :)

08-04-08, 21:40
Hey, this site sounded really good for how i'm feeling so i joined. :)
Basically i'm in my first year of College and my first panic attack happened about 8-9 months ago and it was the worst thing ever. I ended up going to hospital because i was so sure i was going to die but she told me it was a panic attack and i assumed it would pass. But ever since then they have not gone away and i don't say anything to my parents because they just think it's nothing. Also i've looked on the internet and realised that these other strange episodes i have are called de-personalisation and de-realisation which i think comes under anxiety. Either way it's seriously ruining my life because i never feel normal anymore.. so i would love to speak to people who know how i feel :) Thankyou for reading if you have.

08-04-08, 22:15
Hi ...and welcome :welcome: to NMP.. you have definitely come to the right place... it does sound like anxiety and anxiety is pants, it really is..... you will find loads of people to talk to here tho and we will all understand....
Im a mum tho, and im sure if you talked to your parents again about how you are feeling they would try to understand ... lots of people who don't know much about anxiety have a tendancy to play it down but maybe if you showed them some of the info from the main menu list on the left they would have a better idea what you are going thru.... you are normal but you are having a tough time at the moment..... Stay strong.. :hugs:
x Rach

08-04-08, 22:40
Hi Beauty,

Welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

09-04-08, 03:47
Welcome to the site! :D

09-04-08, 11:31
hiya Beauty :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice from all the great ppl and make some lovely friends along the way. dont forget to vist the chat room where you cam talk to us all about what ever you like or just have a giggle.
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxx

09-04-08, 11:31

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

09-04-08, 13:36
Hello Beauty And Welcome....i Wish Ya Well............linda

09-04-08, 20:43
Hi Beautyfrompain and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-04-08, 21:22
Hi Beauty

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of advice and support and meet some fantastic people.

10-04-08, 18:34
Hi Beauty,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,