View Full Version : Following on from my wind post...

08-04-08, 21:56
the other day, I have been getting myself in a flap the last few days thinking I might have gallstones which will lead to pancreatis (sp) as that happened to a lady I know once, my friend is also being tested for gallstones at the moment so probably why im wondering if I have the same:wacko:

My dh had a read for me on the net (I never google) and he said it was pain mainly on the right and fever. When I get my wind attacks I get VERY bad wind pains up in my chest, I feel like I need winding like a baby to release it either end:winks: its very painful (had this on & off all my life really but not so bad in my twenties). Just feels like excesive acid and its really painful,its also just on my left side. I had it for a few days over easter and again for 1 day last week then it goes. I am really hoping it doesn't return.

Would I really know if it was gallstones? my dh said he never read anything about excesive wind.

Sorry to post again, in abit of panic lately about this.

08-04-08, 22:00

Thats my post about my "gallstones" The doctor reckons I may have them now, personally I think they are just clutching at straws to get rid of me :lac:

It may help? but i'm as confused about them as you are lol :wacko:

Lou xxxxx

08-04-08, 22:09

Read your post, doesn't sound like gallstones hun, I was told the pain is usually on the right.

Are you being scanned?

09-04-08, 03:46
The pain I have/had is on the right, well more in the middle and off to the right. I dont have gallstones but there is always the possibility of gall sludge which can cause pain. I had pancreatitis in November and was in the hospital for two days. Not sure what caused it. I did have a fair bit of gas with it. Ask your doc for an ultrasound but usually with stones you have alot of pain after you eat etc

09-04-08, 15:44
I had gall stones several years ago and I also suffer from painfull wind. The two pains are quite different. As soon as the gall stones pain started I knew it was something new because the pain was in one place, under my ribs on the right hand side, and went from the front through to the back. It was worse than being in labour and I was glad to get to hospital and get pain relief. They kept me in 5 days and I had to eat a fat free diet until they removed the stones 3 months later.

Although wind can be agony it is a quite different pain. Strangely for me I was very calm through all the episode which amazed my family who are used to me panicking over nothing. I suppose that once I was diagnosed, and believed it!, I just wanted to get it over.

09-04-08, 16:03
Thank you very much for your replies.

Well I have given birth 3 times, is it worse than that? lol!

So it would be on my right side not just a case of a gasy tummy? I have wind at the moment and the wind is creeping up from low in my stomach up to my right ribs but its like a gassy pain. It is usually on my left.

I have always suffered with gas, my poor husband;-)

10-04-08, 16:35
What I remember about gallstones pain is that it feels like it's going under your ribs at the right hand side and comes out the back.I have had wind many times but within half an hour of gallstones I was at the doctor's and within another half hour I was in Casualty.