View Full Version : need some advice- bad afternoon

08-04-08, 22:53
Hi all, I am new here. I have been suffering from panic disorder and social anxiety for about 3 years. I am young and i have been at my job for a year. on days like today, sometimes i am astounded that I have been able to keep it.

I don't know what triggered, but this afternoon at lunch i felt very unfocused and generally anxious. I was having hard time eating and swallowing my food and breathing without choking. That upset me, so when i went back to my desk, i couldnt sit still. I started to think about how uncomfortable i was and my stomach became upset and i felt dizzy. I'll spare you the gross details but I actually got physically sick. The worst thing is that all along, I knew it was being cause by my anxiety, and nothing else. I tried to calm myself, but couldn't concentrate. I felt miserable.

I am in therapy, but i cant help but feel guity after I have a panic episode, like somehow i could have dealt with it beter of even prevented it.

how do you all cope with panic and anxiety as it is happening, and how do you prevent it (or at least lessen it) in the long run? I feel like if I cant figure out how to do that, it will ruin my life.

08-04-08, 23:04
Hi there.. and welcome :welcome: to NMP ....
Panic attacks are horrible but by reconising them as just that, you are already on the way to beating them.. i find that if i get active when it starts and just do something, it helps... it burns up the adrenalin thats produced during a panic attack.. When it happens i gotta fight the urge to just curl up but if i can do it, i can sometimes stop it in its tracks.... if im at work, ill get up from my desk and walk somewhere... i use the stairs and just walk up a couple of floors as quickly as i can ...breathing in thru your nose and out thru your mouth slowly 5 or 6 times also helps, it stops the dizziness and slows your heart rate. Im sure you will get other suggestions, and it can be a bit of trial and error to find what works for you, but you can beat them... don't ever feel guilty tho, sometimes they just happen out the blu, its not your fault its the anxiety thats to blame......hang in there and keep posting..
Best wishes

09-04-08, 03:46
Welcome to the site! :D

09-04-08, 11:32
hiya Spartana :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice from all the great ppl and make some lovely friends along the way. dont forget to vist the chat room where you cam talk to us all about what ever you like or just have a giggle.
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxx

09-04-08, 11:32

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

09-04-08, 13:35
Hello Spartana And Welcome.........once You Learn More About Panick Attacks And Accept Them They Ease And Pass......just Know They Cant Harm You.......scary Yes........but This Shall Pass...........i Wish Ya Well................linda

09-04-08, 20:42
Hi Spartana and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Have you heard of Claire Weekes? She has written some books and tries to teach you to let the anxiety wash over you.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-04-08, 21:22
Hi Spartana

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of advice and support and meet some fantastic people.

09-04-08, 22:55
Hello Spartana,
I am a new member also but have suffered with panic attacks on and off for fourteen years. Dont make this amount of time sound terrible to you because at one time I did beat it. I started with panic attacks quite young when I had only been in my job for a few years, much the same as you. I visited my GP and went for hypnotherapy and eventually BEAT IT. It felt so good to say that at the time. It made me into a much stronger person. I still feel a stronger person through going through it. At this present time I am experiencing anxiety although not fullblown panic attacks as I have learnt to deal with them. As said earlier look for something to move your mind on away from the panic. Count down from 100 backwards, do the eight times table (this one always worked for me), something to move your mind away from the panic you are feeling. A friend of mine used to take tiny sips of water out of a sports top water bottle, she always said concentrating on sipping the water helped her keep her airway clear and kept her hydrated (another possible cause of anxiety). I assure you something will work for you it is just finding it. With this web site there are a lot of people who will help you. Good Luck and keep in touch.