View Full Version : Hello and help

25-03-05, 20:39
Hi there everyone.My name is Ali and i have suffered panic attacks for the last 9 years since i had my first child.Basically i was put back on anti depressants 3 years ago after i found my husband was having an affair.The panic attacks were horrendous.I was put on seroxat.I am now divorced from my husband and have my own florist shop,i have come a long way.I have been trying to reduce my anti depresants with the help of my doctor very slowly.I've reduced from 30 mg to 20 then earlier this week i tried reducing to 10mg and the side effects have been horrendous,sickness,diarrohea,dizziness and of course panic attacks which are at their worst when i feel sick.I am so disappointed.Here i am runnign a business,looking after two children now aged 9 and 6 and still these panics are the pits of my life!!!I am so Angry with them,how dare they affect my life this way and god how awful they make me feel.They take away my strength which i need to run my life and they take my pride away reducing me to a bumbling idiot.Why the hell is this happening and how can i fight them?????
Ali xxxx(please help)

25-03-05, 21:04
hi ali welcome to the site

firstly you say that your reducing your seroxat fro 30mg to 20mg , istead of going straight to 10mg why not try taking 20mg one day and 10mg the next for a little while then 20mg one day and 10mg for two days then back to 20mg and so on it may help you .

take care


25-03-05, 21:13
hello Ali,

Welcome to the site!! :)

I think Della has a point. Maybe you should try to come off your meds a little slower. The slower you do it, the less side-effects you will feel.

Everyone here is very friendly and I'm sure you will receive loads of support.

Sarah :D

25-03-05, 21:40
i came off seroxat last year, did it very slowly over about 6 mths with seroxat liquid, dropping ml at a time . i did experience quite a few symptons one of tham was a rebound anxiet which lasted about 3 wks.

funny thing is ive had alot of stress lately and am actually going back on seroxat, 4 wks so far and was just reading posts to give me reassurance of the side effects and how long they take to work, as i cant remember from last time

take care
Jane x

25-03-05, 21:42
Thankyou Della and Sarah for both your replies.I will definetely try reducing the tablets alot slower.I guess i thought that once i reduced from 30 mg to 20 it would be no prob to reduce to 10mg.I've taken 20mg for the last two days now and may continue until my body feels stronger again then try one day of 10 mg then two of the 20mg and see how that goes.I've been trying to be superwoman for the last six months and i think its taken its toll on me,i've even taken the huge step of phoning my ex husband tonight to discuss the children as I've been trying to deal with everything on my own(daughter is having bullying probs at school)and he was actually quite receptive for a change.Instead of arguing we actually had an adult conversation!!!Oh its so nice to find somewhere i can talk about these panic attacks cos i don't know anyone that has them,i feel like a right freak sometimes.
Ali xxx

25-03-05, 21:48
Hi Jane,sorry to hear your having to go back on the seroxat.I know it can take quite a while for it to kick in.My doc did offer me the seroxat liquid if i have trouble with coming down in 10mg so i may go back and ask for that.
Really hope you start to feel better soon.Keep in touch.
Ali xx

25-03-05, 21:55
Hi Ali

So sorry you have had such a hard time. I think we all question why this is happening and what we have done to deserve it. I know they take away your strength but that is only temporary aswell as taking your pride. You do a great job running a business and looking after two children and never forget that.

Hope you get all the support you need here.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-03-05, 22:17
Hi Ali

Welcome to the site. You have been doing so well coping with panic attacks, as well as being a single mum and running a business.

Like others say, try reducing the medication very slowly which might help.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-03-05, 22:41
Thanx to you all that have replied!!I will defo reduce the meds much more slowly and hopefully that will do the trick.I've been on the chat site as well tonight,this definetely feels like a great place to be where people understand and i hope i can be of help to others too!Off to bed now,busy day in the shop tomorrow!
Ali xxxx

25-03-05, 22:42
Pleased you feel the chat helped you. You take it slowly with the meds after what you have been through i dont think we need to think about time, just a healthy life style again.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-03-05, 18:35

Welcome aboard the forum.

You sound like you are coping well with life - must be hard on your own with children to look after as well.

I hope that meds reduction gets easier soon - you can take as long as you like to come off it - just do it slowly.

Hope you stick around.


26-03-05, 23:51
Hi Ali,

Good to have you aboard, and am glad you found the chat room tonight!

I don't take meds anymore, but when I did I had to phase them in and out quite slowly.

Sometimes, you can feel a bit peculiar when going on to Seroxat at first - its just your body adjusting.

Fortunately, I never had any bad side-effects from the meds, and hope you don't.

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

26-03-05, 23:58
Hi Ali

Was great to talk to you in chat tonight and see how well you were getting on. You can breath between each sentence LOL Let me speak too PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEE!!!!!

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-03-05, 00:17
OOOpps sorry Sal!!!Once i'm on a roll i can't get off,just butt in there.I'm one of these peeps thats either very chatty or very quiet.Nice to talk to you too,i will be back so beware!!!LOL
Ali xxxx

27-03-05, 02:21
Ali dont ever apologise was great to talk to you and have a laugh, hope we can have many more mate and dont worry if i want to butt in i will LOL

You take care and we will speak soon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-03-05, 03:01
Hiya Ali,
I've already spoken to you a few times in chat but i thought i'd better give you the offical welcome to the site.:D:D:D

Take care

27-03-05, 20:23
Thanx Maxine!I have to say this is one of the friendliest sites i have come across on the net.I expect there are times when arguments happen like most sites but i get the feeling that you are all a very caring lot that have been through a heck of alot and i feel very comfortable here.Yes i am a terrible flirt but guess what if a guy came near me now in real life i would run a mile..........Hope to chat to you again real soon,i am around most nights because i have both the children at home.
Ali xxx

27-03-05, 23:15
Hi Ali

So pleased you feel comfy here that is great mate. Was good to talk to you and no doubt we will talk soon.

You take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

29-03-05, 21:01

Definately stay on 20mg until you're feeling up at full strength again and then reduce just as slowly as you can- The liquid is a good option.

You've coped really well with everything thats been chucked at you and you will cope through this too.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance