View Full Version : need to get out of work...

09-04-08, 14:24
need some advice...

I am currently temping whilst applying for journalism jobs. Thing is my pani attacks have got rather extreme recently and i really cant behere. well i can, i am, but i really feel like i need out, some time to rethink and collect my thoughts. problem is obviously that as a temp no paid sick leave so even if i could get signed off from work i would have zero money coming in. I have quite a lot of debt and even with this job i am coming close to the wire every month to cover bills/rent etc.

is there anything i can do? i am not just trying to skive and be lazy, it is just gettoing too hard

09-04-08, 14:33
Don't get out of it.

It's the worst thing you can do.

Stick it out.

09-04-08, 15:19
I totally agree with AtmoLav, once you leave work, then what?? When will you be "ready" to return?

So many people leave and never return to employment. No matter how bad you feel, you WILL get through it, whether at work or not. Infact, having a routine of having to get up at a certain time, get dressed etc is the one thing that definately helps. What would you do with your time if you were home all day?

I have never given up work in the past 25 odd years that I've had panic/anx/depression. I suppose people think that I haven't had it as bad as them if they have given up work. BUT, I have found it soooo hard some days going to work. But, nothing ever happened to me, I didn't die and I'm still here!


09-04-08, 15:39
yeah i guess you are right, i probably havent got it that bad too be honest, just looking for an escape route. just wish i could disappear off into the sunset for a while