View Full Version : help if poss, please

buzzing bees
09-04-08, 18:34
hi im sloly geting my confidence back , after a break up with my x,hubby
iv never grown my nails before ever
so thats a, goal i aim to do
2nd, thing is to find some exersize to tone my tumy up
do u, no of any gentle exersize to tone it up please
hope everyone on here is ok,
wel bye for now every one

09-04-08, 19:19
Did you mean to close this thread ?

I re-opened it anyway.

09-04-08, 19:39
Hi, :D

Its great to hear your slowly getting your confidance back, ohh WELL DONE.

Here is a link which may help, which has stuff in for tummy


Hope this helps

GOOD LUCK :yesyes:


09-04-08, 19:50
Sit-ups for your tummy. Or pilates can help (you can get fitness DVD's/books to borrow from libraries if you can't face going to a class)

And swimming is a good allround exercise.

I was a nail breaker ( not biter). I found that if I allowed myself 2 fingers to ruin and left the others then I was proud of the other nails and wanting to have them looking lovely that I was able to stop the habit completely.

buzzing bees
09-04-08, 20:07
thank u, all for your replys
good idea about finger nails
bye for now