View Full Version : hello

09-04-08, 21:59
Hello my name is caz1. I am having terrible panic attacks about suffocating. My dear father died last year. I sat with him, and held his hand, until he passed over. At the very end he appeared to be really gasping for breath. The nurses said it was only brain reaction and he wasn't actually suffering, but since then I am really terrified about not being able to breath. If I get a blocked nose,with a cold or something, I go into a really bad panic. I literally run round the house in tears. I hope someone can help me with this. Take care. caz1.

09-04-08, 22:27
Hi ya Caz,
I would probably try some deep breathing. I always keep a paper bag with me also and I breathe in to it for just a couple of breaths every so often even when I'm not panicking as it just calms you down slightly. It works for me anyway. I learned a good breathing technique where I breathe in for the count of 4 hold it for 4 then exhale for 4 and hold for 4 (hope that makes sense) It always works for me. It's easier done if you're in the house and can sit or lie down though. Or other than that sing it makes you breathe properly!!! I was singing my favourite things from the sound of music the other day and couldn't help but laugh at myself!!! It works crazy but true!!

09-04-08, 22:42
hi caz hello and welcome, my nan died 3 years ago from stomach and bone cancer and i took it bad i couldnt see her in hospital as i already had horrid images, she died suddenly but i remember because of her cancer she couldnt swallow food properly and for ages after everytime i got a bad throat or cough i thought i had cancer, it will get better for you i still suffer a bit but i am alot better, you will find lots of help here xxxxx donna

09-04-08, 23:24
Hi Caz... :welcome: to NMP ...i agree with Rach... slow breathing can really help, i do the same... breathing in deeply thru the nose, hold for 4/5 count, then out slowly thru the mouth....it slows you heartbeat and stops you overbreathing.. Hypnotheraphy cds can help too, i have a relaxation one and a positive thinking one... both are really good and you can download them or buy them from amazon or the like..... other than that, finding something else to focus on works... anything that stops you focusing on the breathing ....dancing, walking quickly, sorting cupboards any activity really... it helps to use up the adrenalin thats produced by the panic.... hang in there and keep posting, cos even logging onto the site and writing a post can help....
you are not alone here... :hugs:

10-04-08, 12:38
Hi Caz

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

10-04-08, 13:00
Hello Caz1 And Welcome....i Wish Ya Well.......linda

10-04-08, 18:25
Hi Caz,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
I was present when my mother passed away.I watched over many hours as her breathing slowed and then finally stopped.I suppose I felt relief more than anything else when this happenend.My mother was suffering from a horrible,terrible illness and she was finally at rest.
Moments like this stay with us for a long time.I am able to accept what happened now and choose to look back and remember the good times as opposed to the end.Although it may not feel like it,you have that choice too.Work on it,one day at a time.Change will come gradually.
When the fear strikes,purposely focus your mind on a good time shared with your Dad.
Defeat the fear.
Best wishes,

10-04-08, 19:28
Hi Caz

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard.

Hope we can be of some help and support.

10-04-08, 20:43
Hello Caz1 and welcome
You still seem shaken by your fathers last breaths. I hope that you find in this site a place where you can be less terrified.

10-04-08, 21:22
Hi Caz and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

11-04-08, 01:36
Hi Welcome to the site! :D

12-04-08, 19:43

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx