View Full Version : Hello my first post

09-04-08, 22:20
Hi all, I am Rachael and just joined here. I am 25 and have been suffering with panic attacks/agoraphobia (oh the joy of it!!) I started with panic attacks at the age of 11. It was everytime we were in assembley at school and we had to stand for a long time I would panic about going in. I started avoiding it by going to school late. At the age of 16 I used to get panic attacks on the bus and also when I worked on a reception. Any time I had someone with a long query at work I panicked. A few times I got off the bus on the way to work and I was put on to Seroxat when I went to the doctors. This helped for a while and I was put on a higher dose gradually. I came off these after a while and was ok for a bit. When I left my ex partner I went on cipramil as the panic returned. I came off those in 2002 approximately and have been drug free ever since. The panic had improved so much I was able to do things like everyone else. I exercised a lot and I think this helped and when I was a bit stressed I used Kalms for bit of extra help. Now after leaving my partner at Christmas and having a stressful time at work I am back to square one again or so I feel i'm not wanting to leave the house again as I have an ear infection which has affected my balance and makes me very panicky. I know that I can get this under control as I have done before and have started exercising regularly and eating regularly to regulate my blood sugar level but it's so difficult at times!!! I am trying this time to try and do this without any anti depressants but if I have to I will, I know that I have the option. I am trying acupuncture this week so fingers crossed guys I will keep you posted!!! Sorry about the essay!! Hope I posted this in the right place x

09-04-08, 23:04
Hi Rach ...:welcome: to NMP ... Sounds like you are doing all the right things, and so will soon be back to full strength... i would love to hear how you get on, although i think you are v.brave trying accupuncture...needles freak me out :scared15: ... anyway you will make loads of friends here so come back anytime you need some advice or just for a chat.
Best wishes :hugs:

09-04-08, 23:08
Yeah needles freak me out 2!! I'm gettin someone to come to the house so i'll feel as safe as possible here when she does the procedure. I am excited about it to be honest. I get frustrated some times as it's not something that can be fixed over night but I know that i've done it before so I can do it again!!! Just gotta relax and stop tensing up and it'll be ok.... easier said than done at times but thanks for the message x x

09-04-08, 23:13
Hi again Rach.... i have heard really good things about accupunture, so i honestly would love to hear if you feel it has helped... i would consider it , cos as much as i hate needles, i hate the anxiety more :weep: , so definitely post again and let me know.....:yesyes:

09-04-08, 23:18
Rach, Yeah I will do for sure I will let you know anything I can that will help. Have you ever tried self hypnosis thats really good I listen to that once a day and it really helped until I perforated my ear drum and have major balance issues and that's when the panic has got worse.

09-04-08, 23:29
Hi ... yeah i have two self hypnosis cds... one for relaxation and one for positive thinking... they do help.... it just takes time i guess... ive beat anxiety before and will again its all culmulative i think, it all helps and when added together it does get results.
Take care

10-04-08, 00:15
Hi Rach,

Def let me know how Acupuncture goes, im a right wimp, I faint at blood tests! lol But im willing to give anything a go. When I runf up about Acupuncture this week the man did say he could try a coupe of needles first at the consultaion if I wanted.

Im still waiting to hear bank from people I have emailed about hypnosis- I cant believe Ive never thought of that before!

Ill be thinking of you tomorrow! good luck! x x

10-04-08, 00:25
Thanks... I'm excited but I also pass out at blood tests!! This stems from being 5 and having 4 nurses trying to hold me down whilst trying to take my blood!! They never managed it but I remember coming out with a lolly pop!!! The last blood test I had was at the hospital and I told the lady to stop and I told her she had enough blood!!! Like I know!!! I didn't faint that time though I put my ipod on but I got through it!! Bet the woman thought.... i've got a right one here!!! LOL
I hope she can come tomorrow she's not called me back again to confirm but if not it'll de defo Saturday.

10-04-08, 00:49
Hi Rachael,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

10-04-08, 12:33
Hi Rachael

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

10-04-08, 13:04
Hello Rach And Welcome......i Wish Ya Well..........linda

10-04-08, 18:15
Hi Rach,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

10-04-08, 18:34
:welcome: hiya rachel, your experience with panic sounds similar to mine - started in childhood, improved, meds helped ,and then relapses and eventually agoraphobia? is a very common situation sadly:lac: but you can recover like you said and you can find alternatives to meds if you want. i am also med free and have been for 8 yars - i think your exercising sould be a big help - i look on exercise like the bodies own medicine? i couldnt do without it:yesyes: also relaxation, meditation, nutrition and education are all ways to improve how you feel and also nmp?:yahoo: take care, emma:flowers:

10-04-08, 19:28
Hi Rach

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard.

Hope we can be of some help and support.

10-04-08, 21:18
Hi Rachael and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Good luck for the acupuncture.

Take care,

Mike :)

10-04-08, 21:56
HI Rachael.

You remind me so much of me and how my panic attacks started. Mine started at school in assembly and then went on to mess up my GCSE's basically when I was in a place that I knew I couldnt work out of without being noticed I would panic!! I managed to get over the panics with propranalol on and off for nearly fourteen years now but I think what really helped me was ... Me.... as you have quite rightly said you have beat it once you can beat it again. I am at exactly the same point in my life. Those little anxious thoughts have snuck in some how without me noticing and I am now getting more and more anxious. Unfortunately I work in a school (must be a gluten for punishment!!) and those assembly halls are playing their old tricks!! BUT I am determined, as you are, to beat it and I will as you will. You know how to. Keep in touch.


10-04-08, 23:15
Thanks Guys... The advice is great and it helps to talk with people who know exactly what you are going through. My mother works at a school and she's the same with assemblys she just makes sure she is leaning against the wall for bit of support. I'm having acupuncture now on Saturday so i'm really excited about that. I also believe that exercise is our on medication (and it doesn't cost £7.10 either)!! That is how I improved so dramatically before I forced myself to go to the gym every day. I have been doing my strictly come dancing dvd this evening and Cha Cha Cha ing around my bedroom. I find it such a nice way to relax though and it is funny when you catch a glimpse of yourself... not so glamorous!!!!


11-04-08, 01:34
Hi Welcome to the site! :D

11-04-08, 19:30
hiya Rach :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice from everyone here and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat room and talk to us all.

best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


12-04-08, 00:08
Hi Rachael,

Welcome to the site. You will find that there are many here who feel exactly like you do and you will get support. Good luck with the acupuncture.

