View Full Version : Cipralex/panic attack question

09-04-08, 23:58
For nearly two years I have been on 10mg of cipralex and have felt almost back to normal. To be honest I haven't even thought about panic attacks for a long time, and then, last week, I went shopping and had a panic attack. Ever since then I have been in a permanant state of panic. Cipralex has suddenly stopped doing anything.

Does anyone have any advice?

I have an appointment for tomorrow with my doc. Tonight I have necked two bottles of wine just to get by, but I can't do that every night now can I?

Has this happened to anyone else?

10-04-08, 00:16
No hun... best thing like you say is see the doctor what triggered it off anything specific?

10-04-08, 00:19
Hi samIam,

Im new on here to!

I was on Cipralex a few years ago but to be honest my memory is shot to peices! I do remember the same happend with me, they worked for a year or so helpa great deal with councling to the all of a sudden stopped.

Def tak to your DR, as for the wine, no dont do that every night, it wil only make you feel worse in the long run! ( & a vey sore head in AM)

Sorry I couldnt be of any more use! xx

10-04-08, 00:22
Nothing I can think of off the top of my head, (opens bottle number three...shocking) I'm just so annoyed with myself. I felt great for those two years but now, as I think about it, I didn't push myself hard enough. I just enjoyed the fact that I wasn't panicking.

10-04-08, 00:32
indeed. it works in the short term though. what do you reckon though? can you just suddenly become immune to cipralex? if so, then what?

in a short crazy moment, I thought that maybe the doc gave placebos instead of cipralex. they wouldn't do that would they?

10-04-08, 00:33
Just go steady on the wine hun. You will feel really bad tomorrow and you don't need hangover of the century if you are feeling bad anyway. Anyway don't be mad with yourself it's just a glich you'll soon be back to not panicking and you can exercise more so that your brain is getting more seratonin which is the happy hormone. Try and think positive and think about all the things you have achieved instead of focusing on the negatives ie today. You can do this hun and the wine will not help I learned that many a times x x

10-04-08, 00:36
No hun they have to take you off them slowly as far as i'm aware so they can't do that.

10-04-08, 00:42
thanks. crazy thought evaded. :)

10-04-08, 00:46
Thats ok... Crazy thoughts are what make the panic hun. You still feeling panicked?

10-04-08, 00:53
nah, not after two and a half bottles of wine!! I feel great. i just thought seeing as, bizarrely, I can think straight right now, I thought I'd check out this place again. I lurked when I first got panic attacks, but never registered or anything. there's some really inderstanding and kind people on here. makes a change. some people really just don't gettit. i can't tell you how many friends I've lost over the years simply because I can't go and visit them.

10-04-08, 01:01
I know I'm the same... ppl always want you to go to pubs or clubs and it's hard keep saying no. I have told all my friends about my panic attacks as i'm not ashamed of it anymoren but it's still difficult for them to understand when they haven't experienced it. Good luck at the doctors. I'm having acupuncture done this week so fingers crossed for me!!!