View Full Version : Between Bus Stops!

10-04-08, 10:54
As any of you may know, who pop into chat, as I do often, I have been stressing about my job a lot lately. The anxiety, for a million reason I won't go into, resulted in me having a panic attack about 5 weeks ago at the start of a shift.

There was a hurried visit to the doc ( and with my history) a quick prescription dished out. Since that time 5 weeks ago I have struggled to work, my anxiety levels have been through the roof. My partner has had to on more than one occassion sit outside for hours in the car so that I felt safe.

Last night However, I knew that couldn't happen because that would mean (since my son had returned from his easter hols with his dad), that no one would be in the house to care for him and my shift didnt finish till 10:30 pm way past his bedtime.

I should explain that I work alone as a support worker with adults with learning and physical disabilities. Anyway...............
last night I knew I had to do something anything, to relieve the anxiety and get through my shift, I was doing respite, and that's when I remembered being between bus stops!

I had at one time a tremendous problem with travelling on buses, I gradually overcame this by playing a game with myself... I always had the choice to get off at each bus stop along the way. If I could make it to one and survive I could make it to the next one.

So that's what I played last night. I was on my own till the support worker from another company came in to get my client ready for bed arrived. (that was my first bus stop, I wasn't on my own). The second bus stop was when my partner dropped off some juice, and the third bus stop was when my client's dad arrived back, that's when I got to dismount and go home.

Playing this game with myself greatly reduced my anxiety and meant that for the first time in over a week my partner actually got to go home whilst I was on an evening shift, and most importantly the appropriate care was in place for my son.

I just wondered, does anyone else do things like this?

10-04-08, 11:21

That's a brilliant idea and well done to you!!!

Love Lisa

10-04-08, 12:33
yeah i do bottle, i use it to get through most journeys as for some reason i don't like travelling in the car anymore, so each town or county i pass i always know i can get out if i want to xx

10-04-08, 17:20
I think this shows that taking small steps like stepping stones is easier than trying to tackle everything in one go.

If we set ourselves small goals which are more realistic then with each goal overcome our confidence builds and things become easier.

Small steps also provide a safety net which make us feel less vulnerable and more secure knowing that we can "get off" if things get too much.

Small steps also help to change the way we think because instead of worrying about failure and so inducing panic, we create a more positive approach in our thinking and so are more likely to achieve our ultimate goal.:hugs:

10-04-08, 17:31
yeah I do this all the time at work and it really helps me too. Thinking of just being there for one hour makes it seem more manageable. Then you can say well that hour was ok so will the next one. And so on till it's home time. Glad it's not just me who plays little games to help them cope.
Well done.

10-04-08, 17:44
Hi Pooh,

What a wonderful way to deal with this.
Well thought out and perfectly executed!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

Keep up the good work.
Best wishes,

10-04-08, 17:45
Pooh, what a great way to look at it....I do tend to break the day into chunks when Im having a bad day and it does really help to get through it..especially at work...I do like the bus stop analogy too.

Thanks for that

luv Coni XX

10-04-08, 22:42
Thanks for the feed back!

I really do believe that trying to harness my imagination and use it to positively try to conquer my anxiety and panic attacks can work for me. It can be hard work sometimes, because it is that imagination that can also run riot and generate a lot of anx. But most importantly it is about breaking things down into smaller more managable pieces.

Thanks again for the lovely feedback

Lynne x