View Full Version : Im back again. was doing so well

miss diagnosis
10-04-08, 10:56

Have not been on here for months and months as was seeing a therpaist and was grand but i stopped going and everything is back again. Started with the brain tumor,then the lukemia (same cycle as before) but now am back on the cervical cancer buzz which is freaking me out cos that was the worst the last time.
]I dont understand why im back in this horrible cycle of worry and im driving my boyfriend mad cos i wont commit to holidays cos im keep saying "i'll be dead by then"

My doctor said its a direct result of my dad dying a horrible death of cancer but i cant shake the feeling something awful is going to happen.

Please help cos i cant go on like this.

10-04-08, 11:03
Awww I am really sorry to hear how worried you are. I totally understand as i too suffer HA and it is terrible and ruins your life!!!!!
We are going on holiday in 3 weeks ---just 4 nights and only 1.5 hours drive away but i am still worried that when we are away i will take seriously ill!!Sooo i can sympathise on the holiday thing---and my OH doesnt really understand it all!!!
How did you manage to conquer it last time? Can you try the same technique again?
Sorry i cant be more help xxxxxx

10-04-08, 13:17
Hi there :hugs:

have you had therapy for your dad dying (so sorry:weep: ) or for your anxiety? I did CBT last year and i've gots lots of info and relapse tips to fall back on. If this is the case with you can you do the same.
Has more stress recently come into your life? because that always knocks me back. Do you do plenty of things you enjoy to help you relax? Planning your next holiday is a really positive move:) . Is it worth having a chat with your gp about more therapy (or a different type).

hope you feel happier soon,

anx xx

10-04-08, 13:27
Hi Miss,

So sorry to hear you are having a blip. Please think on it as a blip rather than your heading back to square one.

Ok so you seem to be having these health worries for some time now, but you DON'T have any of these conditions that you speak of so try to accept that this is just the dreaded HA attempting to break down those barriers that you so cleverly built up. Re-focus on something else. That holiday sounds like a good idea, challenge yourself that you WILL go on this holiday and you will go on it fit and well. tell Mr anxiety to take a hike gal!!

Take care
Love Lisa

miss diagnosis
10-04-08, 17:08
thanks for your replys everyone. it hadnt occured to me when i started my health worries that we are selling the house (or trying to as anyone from dublin will know!) and that may be adding to my woes.I never worry about the thing in hand. I suffered from bulimia for years and shortly after the house went on the market i began the cycle of binge and purge again. when i stopped that (a stone later) i started the health worrying again. money situation isnt great either. makes sense now! THANK YOU!!

Its a vicious cycle!

Unfortunatly my nice doctor is on maternity leave and i dont care much for her replacement. so will have to wait till she comes back and ask her about therapy.

10-04-08, 17:30
Yes it will defo be to do with selling the house-----as we have only just moved 6 months ago and my HA started 3 weeks after moving here.
We had a really really stressful year selling the house after the first buyer pulled out costing us about 1K in fees etc!!!!! Then the house we moved to was done on a part ex and we had to move out of my home town as we couldnt sell it the normal way!!!
Anyhow, things are fine now on the house front but it was DEFINATELY a trigger.
Take care xxxxxx