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10-04-08, 11:10
Can certain times of the month make anxiety worse? or is it just my imagination? :weep:

10-04-08, 11:17
Hiya Karen!!

Without a shaddow of a doubt hun. My Anxiety goes through the roof. I have heard many of us females on here saying the same!!

Infact i'm due at the moment :mad: lol

Love Lisa

10-04-08, 11:20
no definitley the case for me. i get generally more emotional and sensitive when its that particular time of the month, which i guess makes me more sensitive to anxiety too, must be something to do with all the hormones flying about.

sarah x

10-04-08, 11:44
Hi Karen,

definately makes me worse, i'm a nervous wreck at that time
anx xx

10-04-08, 12:03
hi karen,

mine gets worse at that time , i hate it .

love sandyjanexxx

10-04-08, 13:38
I'm so glad you've all said that. My anxiety levels have increased in the last couple of days, and it has made me feel rather down coz I was hoping that I was getting better. Maybe I know why now! :) Will wait til next week to make final judgement! :)

11-04-08, 07:44
Thanx for the replies - I was beginning to see a pattern forming and I wondered if it was just me (as I am also appraoching Menopause too! - oh the joys!)
Karen xx

11-04-08, 09:56
:) hi karen, like the others i too suffer much much more at that time - some months only at that time:mad:

bu ti discussed it at great length wiht my cognitive therapist over last year and she said i had to learn to accept it more, it can actually be the stress of waitin gfor it that makes it worse - my ways of dealing with it are with positive thinking, so saying to yourself alot ' this is only pms, it isnt me and it will pass' and other phrases to that extent. also exercising every day in the oms phase:wacko: :lac: :mad: which is very hard when you feel like poo i know but it definately helps and there is actual medical evidence for this (can tremember exactly but it is in a book i read about pms and i think i read it on the NAPS website too - national association of prememstrual syndrome)

also supplements have helped me enormously - omega3, starflower, magnesium and bvits. and also jus ttaking it easy in this time and giving yourself a break:yesyes: emma:flowers:

11-04-08, 10:18
Karen i think it can hun never actually thought of it till now, but i do sometimes nearer to the time get more anxious, PMT i guess isn't it?

Hugsss hope your feeling better soon x

11-04-08, 10:45

Yes I get worse in the week before my period. Its the hormones and the anxiety working together against me. Who would be a woman!!!!! Its great though as I am not very good at working out when its due so I know by the anxiety.!!!!!

Take care Hazel xo:yesyes:

11-04-08, 14:43
Hi all, I am worse before my period and really bad the first day so I asked the doctor if I can go on mini pill which she says stops you ovulating which she says in theory should stop the hormones. I've been on it now for 1 and half months so we'll see but she seemed to think it's worth a go. I never feel anxious about my periods really it's mainly the 1st day when I feel panicky so fingers crossed this helps.