View Full Version : Argghhh what a day

10-04-08, 13:02
Got a job interview later - yipppeee!

Only I have a terrible tummy upset, started before I left work last night, still feeling quite bad today, Was late for work this morning as I couldn't get off the toilet :blush:

I'm hoping its due to being anx, but my bf has been suffering all week with his stomach so I wonder if I've picked a bug or something up from him. But there again it could be making me anxious and just adding to everything.

Ohhh god wish me luck people, I've been out and bought my immodium just incase. Altho I have just eaten dry rice krispies with no milk as I was starving, so I hope they stay put too! Not chancing anything!

And breathe.................:doh:

10-04-08, 13:40
good luck with the interview! xxx

10-04-08, 13:46
Good luck honey!!

There has been a stomach bug going round at the moment so it could be a combination of that and your anx.

Let us know how you get on :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

10-04-08, 18:34
Well I think I just made a big fool of myself :(

Am waiting to hear the news, the guy said he would call at 6.15 - nothing from him :(