View Full Version : Anxiety about being alone

10-04-08, 13:12
I have suffered with some severe bouts of anxiety over the years and as i have got older it has got worse, one of my anxieties is being all alone if something should happen to my husband and parents. I sadly have not been able to have children and so i think in someways this has intensified my anxiety, i try not think about it but sometimes i feel very lonley and alone..I am not working at the moment and have a poorly dog so i am feeling particularly low and just thinking too much. I sometimes feel that not having kids has turned me into a Billy no mates as everyone i know including family has children and naturally they have different responsibilities & priorities to me. I am trying to find a way to have more in my life that feels worthwhile and am considering doing some kind of voluntary work to help others but also to help me in some way...

10-04-08, 15:57
hi and welcome, i am sorry to hear about your anxietys but i too worry about being alone. i have a partner of 15 years and 3 children 11,8 and 4 who are my life but i am not really close any of my family so i rely on my partner and i worry sick that if anything happend to him i will have no one to be there for me and i wouldnt cope alone with my children, i get so down sometimes the trouble is a can make friends so easily but if they get to close i push them away for gear of being hurt as alot of people in my past including family have let me down. but i like you am looking for voluntary work to get me out the house and give me something to do as i prob think about things alittle too much, its a horrid feeling but i am always here if you fancy a chat :hugs: donna xx

10-04-08, 15:58
god sorry for spelling mistakes:doh:

Hope 2
10-04-08, 22:56
Hi MF :D

I hope you go ahead with the voluntary work , I reckon this may give you a sense of purpose , that we all need . Im hoping to do the same sorta thing when I feel ready cos I feel pretty useless at the best of times . So like you said help others while helping ourselves so to speak . You never know , this might open up a whole new chapter for you . I agree , I think when we have time on our hands it gives us time to think more and in turn be more anxious . Glad you can come on here for company , I feel alone even though I have a bf and daughter , long story lol .

Bye for now
best wishes 2 yah
Love Hope xx

11-04-08, 00:14
Hi all

I can understand where you are comming from about these feelings of loneliness. This is brought about by anxiety. Reading into every little thing and being plagued by the "what if" syndrom. I agree with that finding something to do would help tremendously but I also think that a bit of therapy would serve well to get to the root of your anxiety.

Best regards
