View Full Version : googled dizzyness- pls help

10-04-08, 14:14
pls pls help...if you can

i havent been on here in a month, had been going great. 4 weeks ago i got my blood test results and was told i am vitamin b12 deficient...since then ive been taking my tablets for b12- not the full amount, am a bit scared of tablets, yes, even vitamins, anyway, was going great....even started walking on the treadmill every day and symptoms were becoming very mild..untill today...

woke up this morn very lightheaded....thought it would go away within a few hours, but it hasnt...and its making me feel nausious and headachy.

it was so bad today..its a little milder now, but its never been this bad for this long...i googled dizzyness, and it came up with brain tumors....

wouldnt my blood test have picked this up? im now terrified, and am crying again....i was like this for 2 years!!!! last few weeks i finally started sleeping better,stopped crying and started to beleive that i just may get my life back, now this....im so scared, scared to go to sleep that this will still be here in the morning......

10-04-08, 14:37
Dizzyness, both in short bursts and slightly longer bouts, are a very VERY common symprom of Anxity, which it sounds like you've had for a while.

Brain Cancer is a scary subject. There was a week I was yawning a lot and it made me scared I had it too. But the chances are abysmal. Eventualy, it just stoped. Your dizzyness will too.

10-04-08, 14:41
It could also be a bug of some sorts. Give it time and don't panic because that will make you even more anxious and cause you to feel worse.
I had dizziness for a few weeks and it was caused by labrinthytis (sp?) No treatment and went away by itself

anx x

10-04-08, 14:42

I get real bad dizziness, and i know its anxiety. Please don't worry, and more importantly Please don't google!

Googling sucks! I know because I have done it many a time and frightened the life out of myself.

Hugs Hunny


10-04-08, 14:44
In fact, I'm very suprised you read it's a symptom of a Brain tumor. That's assish of the site.

If you went to a doctor with dizzyness saying you thought you had a tumor, he woulden't be very concerened. They have some very strange and intresting symproms, like trouble walking, speach, hallucinations, seziures, ect.

10-04-08, 19:08
I have the B12 thing I have been having the shots for this for the past 4 weeks I have one more next week then I have another blood test at some point first they said 4 weeks after last injection now there saying 3 months so who knows about that one.

I'm still getting the dizzyness not as bad as I did. I had it every day to start with all day long, the it sort of went to half a day, then a couple of times a week now it's like i'm getting it once in a while still though.
I was also getting numbeness and pins and needles, headahes,tiredness i made the mistake of googling each thing seperatly.
I find the dizzyness worsens if i know i haven't drank alot for a few days.
I think it can take months for the b12 thing to sort itself out properly.

miss diagnosis
10-04-08, 19:48
are u eating properly?be truthful!

10-04-08, 23:21
hi, and thanks heaps for all the replys.

miss diagnosis, yes, i have actually started to eat very well in the last week. ive started weight watchers, so im slowing loosing some weight...( got about 10 kilos to loose) and have been walking half hour every day.

though, i did used to eat crap.

scooby 28. ive got all those symptoms. they were getting better since on the b12 tabs, but i think its gonna take longer then getting the injections. and i think you are right, i havent had much fluid in the last few days. this would make total sense. ive still got the pins n needles in fingers and headaches too. like you it had started going away till yesterday. so ill go the water and see how that fairs....

hubby wants me to take the injections, but it took me 2 yrs to get the guts up to do the blood test..lolol....im thinking about it tho.

williamsemciw, thanks for your comments, has put my mind at ease very much, and your right, i think ive heard that somewhere too.

emira and anxious, thanks for your comments, i was thinking it might be a bug too...im in a new job, and its a biiiig place, could catch anything there im sure,....lol...
im not gonna google anymore, ill just ask here. everyone seems to have been through something.
thanks guys again.:yesyes: