View Full Version : Daily Headaches ?? :(

always scared
10-04-08, 14:18
My 18 yr old daughter has been getting daily headaches for a few weeks now :(
I'm trying not to freak out yet and start worrying about brain tumors .
She's always had headaches before but not so many .
I think they're tension headaches but I'm starting to wonder if it could be more serious.
She goes to school and comes home , she doesn't eat right, she's a gamer so she's on video games most of the night. She's not real active.
She just got her eyes checked so I know her vision is OK.
She did get her widsom teeth out a few weeks ago but I don't think this could be the cause.
Does anyone have any info? Should I be worried???
Both her father and I have lots of headaches.
Has anyone else had daily headaches before?? What can we try before we go rushing of to the doctors???

10-04-08, 14:28
i was getting daily headaches for about 2 years untill i finally got a blood test, came back im vitamin b12 deficient....this could be your daughters prob.

my friend, who is 18, said it happened to her. she was vitamin b12 and iron defient...it can make you feel quite sick if its bad.

10-04-08, 14:47
Also if she is spending alot of time playing games perhaps that is not doing her so much good. I find after looking at a PC all day it can do my head in.

I suffer from daily headaches which are most def tension. Feels like I have a band around my head

Hope youy get some answers soon


10-04-08, 18:53
Dehydration causes headaches as well

10-04-08, 18:59
Agree with all the other replys I know when i watch alot of telly i can get a bad head for a few days really,
I have the B12 thing I probably had the bad head for a good year most days before they said I had that, I was also really tired with no energy and dizzy but this didn't start until nearly a year after getting the headached might be worth getting a blood teat done, I had a few tests done last year and they told me not eating properly, sleeping well and drinking enough can cause this.

10-04-08, 20:01

My 17 year old daughter used to spend alot of time on PS2 playing games and was always complaining about headaches the next day, i stopped her playing on it for a while and her headaches stopped.

Why not ask her if she will stop playing the games for a while and see if the headaches stop.

Hope that helps


10-04-08, 20:22
I suffer with (and diagnosed with) Chronic Headaches (meaning i get them at least 15 days out of the month). I must have only a week if i am lucky where i don't have one.
If you are concerned, take her to the GP.


10-04-08, 20:54
If your worried go to DR's

Mine refured me,as they have been geting so bad I ended up in Hospital, having a Lumber Punture & CT scan.
Ive alway suffered from headaches, but my mirgrain have only come on last the last year. I also have B12 decfisancy and have regular injections to boost me, not that I feel any better!

My head aches are migrains n im all ok, which is good news! Im just very ill when I do have an attack, cant move, have to stay in dark room, throw up cant eat or drink, normaly have to have anity sicksness tablets if in time if not then to the DR for a Jab!( and I bruise easily) lol

Everyone is different, so if your worried see the DR, its better to be safe than sorry.

07-04-10, 12:26

I have been suffering a daily tension headache for months - seen a neuro, shrink, docs, tmj specialist etc etc. How does she describe the headache? Best thing for me has been daily massages in my knots from other half and recently went to oesteopath - that gave me some relief for a few days - back again but I have another app tonight x

07-04-10, 13:19
Sounds like tension headaches, but I have had headaches for over 8 weeks now, the Dr has ordered a new MRI brain scan for later this month. It maybe worth telling your doctor that you want one, if you are really worried. As suggested limit the time on a computer and see if that helps. If you do tell your doctor you want a scan just to put your mind at rest tell them to do an MRI not a CT, MRI are far more detailed and there is no radiation to worry about, and that is important for young people. Hospitals seem to do CT scans as they are far cheaper than MRIs, unfortunately the UK health service is all about budgets these days,


07-04-10, 14:59
I remember having headaches every single day for three months four or fiv years back. I was convinced I had a brain tumour and I was sooooo terrified! Turns out it was just tension headaches and when I got some neck exercises from the doctor and they went away within a week.