View Full Version : Balance problems

10-04-08, 16:23
I wonder if anyone else has balance problems. I have been housebound with axiety since December and now experience that if I walk around the house downstairs I am just wobbly but if I stand still balance is awful.

10-04-08, 16:37
I have balance problems. Go and see your doctor about it. I have started doing exercises for vertigo which I got off the internet. I do them a couple of times a day. It's worth getting it checked out.

10-04-08, 16:39
What are the exercises that you do? I have been getting really bad dizzy spells recently.


10-04-08, 16:39
Rach GP came to see me ears are fine he says its part of the anxiety can you let me have web link for the exercises please.

10-04-08, 16:52

I use this exercise. If you google them there are a few. I think it doesn't do any harm.
If the doctor is saying it is anxiety then yes dizziness is a common symptom. Try deep breaths cause if you are not breathing correctly that will make you dizzy also.

Hope 2
10-04-08, 17:06
Hey Lindy / Everyone :D

Not sure why , maybe the medication im on , but I have this thing going on quite a bit .
It's kinda like , my mind says ....right ......get up / set off / lift leg etc ................ but my body is a second or three behind .

So I often have a bit of a wobbly episode and people around smile and ask if I have had a few beers :blush: . Seriously though , I have been like this for seven or so years and it's never got any worse . I hope you can be reassured from folk here or yr GP , cos it's not nice to be worried hun is it xx

Ta ta folks
Love Hope xx

Hope 2
10-04-08, 17:14
Hi Lindy :D

Just wondering if yr balance problem may be due to the fact you are less mobile since december and your body is more tempramental balance wise . Im probably stating the obvious eh sorry .

love Hope xx

10-04-08, 18:37
Hope....You could be right I was totally imobile for nearly three months you could have hit the nail on the head thank you xx