View Full Version : Seeing Psychologist What Can I Expect??

10-04-08, 18:54

I am hoping that anyone who has seen a psychologist can give me an idea of what I might expect at my first appointment. Will it be like a general assessment and q's about my past and my family etc or will it be just about my present situation? I have anicipatory anxiety (amongst other things, panic depression etc) and I got my appointment today which already is making me feel very nervous. I just wondered what to expect and if anyone can give me any info it will really help me to get my head around it.

Thankyou in advance


10-04-08, 19:07
Basically, the psychologists will assess your mind, ask you questions about your childhood, your family, and any experiences you might have had which may of effected you. It's a bit like detective work. What they do is to see what influence nature, nurture, and any experiences have had on your psychological make-up. They are usually pretty good at finding answers to why you think the way you do, and some of the good ones even have solutions to your problems.

10-04-08, 19:27

Don't worry it is just like having a chat with someone new. When I met the psychologist the first time I just let her know how I was feeling and what was going on in my life. She did an assessment by just chatting about things that were going on then I worked with one of her collegues who did my CBT with me.

It felt quite good to be able to talk to someone who was not judgemental and who had an understanding of my illness. A real hurdle to get over and the start of the road to recovery!!:yesyes:

I laughed when I said don't worry as I have a hospital appt in June and I am worrying about that already!!!!! Its easier said that done.

Take care it will be fine

Hazel x:hugs: