View Full Version : Newby - Health Anxiety

11-04-08, 10:23

I am so relieved to have found this site. I am a 37 year old women with 2 amazing children aged 2 and 4, a wonderful partner, lovely house, good friends and family and until 2 weeks ago I was a perfectly happy and content busy working mum.

2 weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with severe itching legs and when I looked I noticed I had developed hives all over them. In the morning when I got up my bottom lip was swollen and I was covered in hives. I panicked and rushed to the Doctors who said I was having an allergic reaction to something and it would pass.

So when I got home expecting it “to pass” I got the biggest shock of my life when my top lip then swelled. Again I panicked and rushed back to the Doctors and explained I was extremely worried that my tongue was going to swell next and I wouldn’t be able to breath and then would not be able to look after kids and would die.

Doctor gave me steroids to reduce swelling and hives. When I woke up the next day my skin was normal but then at about 8.30 I came out in hives all over my body. Again panicked and rushed straight back to the Doctors, they just reassured me.

For the rest of the week this happened everyday and each outbreak of hives would last about 2 hours and I was having about 3 outbreaks a day. Today is day 12 and I am still getting them but they are getting less and less each day.

As a result of this I have completely lost my appetite, I have lost 12lbs in 12 days and have developed a fear of food. I have to force myself to eat and can only manage about 3 spoons of cereal for breakfast, a tiny lunch and for my evening meal I will just eat a small portion of vegetables.

One night this week I decided to force myself to eat some pasta and first I checked it on my lip, then I put it in my mouth and waited about 5 minutes and then I ate it. I managed to eat some but as soon as I had finished I felt like I was being strangled and started retching so since then I have stuck to vegetables.

I check my lips every 5 mins to see if they are swelling again and check my tongue constantly. The hives are awful and are like prickly heat or nettle rash and itch like mad, I even get a tingly mouth and it is awful.

I have returned to the Doctors another 3 times and have now had 2 lots of blood tests and am going to be referred to a therapist as I have developed “Anxiety”. The doctors don’t know what has caused the hives and lip swelling and I am devastated.

I have spent the last 12 days researching and obsessing about what caused it. Was it the chilli I ate in the evening. Was it the Anti-biotics I was on for a chest infection, was it anything to do with my daughter having chicken pox, was it the new face cream, was it the old inhaler I found in my draw to help with my chest infection etc etc etc or was it just a virus.

I am now a nervous wreck, I am a shell of my former self, I am scared of everything, I refused to use lipsil or facecream or handcream for the first week, I am scared to put my air conditioning on in the car. Yesterday we visited a friend who lives in the country and I was terrified that all the country smells would make me have another reaction. I feel sick all the time and my mind is filled with constant worry like now that I have had one allergic reaction will I be allergic to everything. What will happen if I get stung by a bee, or go abroad and something happens they don’t have such good health care.

I am afraid of food, and food was a big part of my life, I used to love cooking and eating, drinking wine, enjoying a good film and having a few nibbles.

I think about killing myself all the time as I don’t want to live like this with this constant worry that is with me all the time. I adore my children but I think they will be better off without a crazy neurotic mum. My partner does not understand all my thoughts, he is super stressed as he commutes to London and has to get up at 5.45 in the morning and doesn’t get home till 7.00. He doesn’t understand that my mind has become mush.

I just want to return to the person I was 2 weeks ago, full of love and life and joy. Where has she gone. Will she come back soon. Occasionally I have had moments of lucidity and I think “Hurray I’m back” but then it passes.

I am bewildered, devastated and distraught, I WANT MY LIFE BACK.

WOW That felt good to get all that off my chest. If you have stuck with this and read this far I thank you.

jackie l
11-04-08, 10:39
hiya welcome crikey reading your story has took me back to how i was 5 months ago. every ache and pain i had i totally freaked out i used to visit the docs once a year if that,then it was three times aweek! but i,m getting there now, the feelings i have no longer get me scared! I REFUSE TO ALLOW THEM TO GET TO ME! positive thinking has a lot going for it. takre care and be strong xxx:yesyes:

11-04-08, 10:40
Hiya, :hugs:

Just a wee welcome to NMP. Gee you sound like you are having a nightmare of a time just now. Hope it all gets better soon. It must be hard with the kids and your hubby being at work all day. Hang on in there it will ease.

I had a hives type reaction a couple of years ago and to this day don't know what caused it. It wasn't as bad as yours but it was still scary and I kept thinking about what had caused it. Still don't know but won't eat spicy meat pizza now!

Take care have a nice day:hugs:

Love Hazel x

11-04-08, 10:53
Hey Pink,

I would bet my last pound that you've had an allergic reaction to antibiotics. What were they? Penicillin-based?

I'm only saying that because this happened to me....

It cleared up slowly, after about 3 weeks it was all gone.

Take care,


11-04-08, 11:15
Hi there hun,

I could have wrote tha whole thing myself. I have the same as you and have had it for ages now, it's NOT always caused by an allergic reaction.

please take a look at the following web site and let me know what you think.

www.urticaria.thunderworksinc.com (http://www.urticaria.thunderworksinc.com)

Like i keep being told hun, if it was a reaction that would make your tongue/throat swell then it would have heppened straight away. I also had the swollen lip/eyes.

anyway have a look at the above web site!!

Lots of love


11-04-08, 11:17
Hi Pink, welcome to NMP :)

Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time :hugs:

You'll get great advice and support from people on here to keep posting. I hope things get better for you.

Jo xxxxx

11-04-08, 11:58

I am Emira, Welcome! I have suffered with Hives/Urticaria for over 5 years now. And mine started like yours.

Don't worry, it won't go into your throat, this is clearly a chronic case, as opposed to acute.

PM me if you need to. Its a totally crappy thing to have. But once they get your medication right you should feel better soon.

Welcome welcome welcome!!


11-04-08, 12:06
Hi Emira, how did yours start, do you know what your trigger is and what does PM mean and how do I do it.

11-04-08, 13:17
Hello Pink And Welcome...i Wish Ya Well........linda

11-04-08, 17:31
Hi Pinkpepper,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

11-04-08, 19:17
hiya pink pepper :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here. lots of support and advice here from all the great members so dont forget to visit the chat room.

best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


11-04-08, 20:52
Hi Pink

:welcome: aboard.

Lovely to see you here. You will meet some lovely people and get some great support and advice.

11-04-08, 22:13
Hi Sarah and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sorry to hear you've been through such a tough time and I hope you feel better soon. Try not to worry about what caused it and concentrate on rationalising your thoughts instead. I know it's not an easy thing to do but having a list of rational thoughts to read can help.

Take care,

Mike :)

11-04-08, 23:58
Hi PinkPepper,

Welcome to the site. You will find there are people here who understand what you are going through and some have already posted to you! It is always reassuring to know you are not alone.



12-04-08, 06:31
Welcome to the site! :D

12-04-08, 19:01

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx