View Full Version : Something got me thinking.

11-04-08, 12:05
Is there something wrong with me that people here just don't like? I constantly read on NMP how people have made such good friends being within this community but i've been here for around 18 months (i think) and i've had no such kind of luck.

I am not wanting for people to feel sorry for me, i am use to people not liking me, i have no friends in the real world but if i have done something wrong, i would like to know.

It kind of confirms my thoughts on the problem lies with me as to why i am friendless.

11-04-08, 12:36
Hi Bluebell,

I remember when I first joined NMP just about exactly three years ago now I wasn't looking to make new friends at all, I was just hoping to get some reassurance because I'd been getting myself in such a tizzy with missed heart beats etc (that's the title of my first thread lol).

I had never even been on a forum (no I tell a lie I had just joined a beauty one called Handbag I think) I had no idea how they worked and had always found even the word 'forum' a bit dodgy (think I must have been thinking of the topshelf magazine :blush: )!!!

Anyway to cut a long story short I did join the chatroom a few weeks after becoming a member and boy did I have a laugh in there and I think I really got to know some of what are now the old timers very well at that time and it did form a bond between us.

However it was only last year that I actually got to meet Karen and Trac67 in the actual flesh as it were and start speaking to the others on msn and the phone, so I don't think these things do happen overnight particularly, so just give it time and let things form naturally hun.

I have to say on the whole principle of making friends that not all of the people can like us all of the time can they but I find if I treat and speak to my friends in the sort of way I want reciproated that goes a long way to forming good friendships.:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-04-08, 12:55
It kind of confirms my thoughts on the problem lies with me as to why i am friendless.

Dear Bluebell,
Don't think that. You are not the cause of that, maybe your problems are, particularly for the real life friendships, but not you...
Back home i used to have quite a few good friends, but when my anxiety strated I have often distanced myself from them, especially at times when i felt agoraphobic...Since I came to England I really find it hard to make friends, I mean I have people at uni that i talk to, and visit with rarely, but that's not friendship...

11-04-08, 13:18
Awe bluebell , your post hit a chord with me because I always feel like im sitting on the outside looking in , is this how your feeling right now ?

I think the cause is low self esteem, and after i did a self esteem course last year I can now see what is going on .
I have been a member of NMP for many years now and still dont feel that close to anyone , I like to think Ive got friends on here "AND YES I COUNT YOU AS ONE OF THEM , :hugs:" but if I didnt come on here again , I dont think people would make a post asking where I am.
But the difference now is , it doesnt bother me anymore , its really not important what other people think of me , what is important it what I think of myself. I recommend any self esteem reading to help you with this.

So come here and have a hug my friend :bighug1: .

11-04-08, 14:50
I dont think people would make a post asking where I am.

I would hun - afterall who else always goes on a mission in quite the enthusiastic investigative reporter way you do!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-04-08, 15:44
awwwwww Piglet that brought a tear to my eye:weep: ,lol.

Honestly low self esteem is just awful , no one is better than anyone else on here , you have to believe that cos its the truth :winks: . As I have been told many times before "everyone sits on the loo" EVEN THE QUEEN :ohmy: .


11-04-08, 16:23
As I have been told many times before "everyone sits on the loo" EVEN THE QUEEN :ohmy: .

Well of course I am above such things and my poo comes out as delicate little rose petals lol (can't believe I just wrote that lol - what an image to give you all)!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-04-08, 16:34
Hi all.
I am stupid for whinging and i know that. I get moments where i feel so alone. I have read a post on a blog today about having friends and how it feels not to have any, but to me, living with someone and still feeling complete and utter lonliness is worse. Okay, i have no friends, that is horrible, but living in a house where you still don't experience love/affection/memories/share sadness and happiness...well...its not good.
I have NO idea how to drag myself out of this hell. My "friend" that i did have left, thought i was f* in the head....which is true, but a "friend" that has been there for nearly 20 years, you don't expect that, you expect a little support...she is obviously no longer my friend.

I get thinking that maybe its because i am unattractive and i don't have a lot of money (real world friends now). I know that my "friend" at the time she was going out a lot with really pretty girls and use to report to me how this friend is SO popular and dresses so nicely and has this and has that and ALWAYS is drapped in men gagging to buy her a drink, then there was me, how doesn't fit that criteria. When i use to go out, i never got bought the drinks...i was never "chatted up"....i dunno.

I feel so lonely, i have no one to call if i am upset. I have no one to talk to if i am happy. I have family members arguing about me because i can't go out, i am just a big fat burden that doesn't deserve to have friends.

11-04-08, 16:45
Maybe because I am an older Piglet than I was many moons ago I no longer have any desire for shallow friends, or ones who measure popularity by clothes, possessions and how many men are gagging over them, infact I don't think I ever did really.

I think when it comes to friends lovie it's deffo a case of quality over quantity everytime!! It doesn't sound like you lost much in that friendship if you don't mind me saying.

Meanwhile can we go back to what you look like - I remember you showing us a pic of yourself ages and ages ago and you are a little stunner, so no more of that.

As far as I'm concerned convential beauty is quite a boring thing - give me an interesting person and the beauty of the person follows!!

One day when you realise just how precious you are you won't mind how many friends you have cos your bestest friend will be you and how fab is that!!!

Now I better get back to hugging my tree.:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

Hope 2
11-04-08, 17:03
Hey Bluebell :D

Listen ......... I won't bore you silly but I have few friends in my life and I keep them at a distance really apart from one who is like us lot on here so we totally get one another . I feel blessed to know her .

I actually find it far easier to speak to folk in person than I do on here which is bit odd eh :wacko: . But I have slowly got used to all this internet malarky and have just started to feel I belong somewhere , at least a little :blush: . I haven't started any threads cos I am sure nobody will reply cos I have a huge inferiority complex going on . I sometimes feel alone even tho I have people around me so I get that too .
So what I am getting round to saying , finally , yawn , soz ........ is that if yah fancy a natter I can talk the hind legs off a donkey ( not that u noticed eh :whistles: ).

Truth is I am quite shy but hide it well
It wud be fab to make a new chum who wont think I am crackers
Give me a shout hun
Love Hope xx

ps Piglet if yah dont mind me askin is yr flowery poo pink and pringle shaped :emot-giggle:

11-04-08, 17:10
ps Piglet if yah dont mind me askin is yr flowery poo pink and pringle shaped :emot-giggle:

Oh dear did I forget to flush!!! :blush:

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-04-08, 17:18
rofl , PIGLET :ohmy: !!!!

11-04-08, 19:18
Hi Bluebell

I have chatted with you a few times and I like you


11-04-08, 20:02
Hiya sweetheart!!

Please please please don't think that way. I don't know you very well but i would love to get to know you better. most of the friendships made in here are made through the chat room, where i have to admit, i have made some amazing friends. But wether it's in chat or pm, please feel free to contact me ANY TIME...I warn ye though, i can talk for scotland lol

Take care hun and stop worrying

Lots of love and hugs

11-04-08, 20:42
Hi Bluebell

I agree with others that your friend isn't a true friend to treat you like that.

I got to know the friends I know on here over time and then I met some of them. It is possible.

There isn't anything 'wrong' with you :hugs:

Karen xx