View Full Version : weight watchers

11-04-08, 12:38

has anyone been on this programme? ive just started a few days ago, first time on any type of thing like this and not trusting that i will loose weight on it. ive stuck within the points so far (except a small chocolate blowout tonight) has anyone else had success on this?
any suggestions on how to make it work the most for me?

11-04-08, 14:50
My sister had lots of success doing WW and so did her husband. She was able to eat LOADS of the "right" foods. I was shocked at the amount she was having on her plate. They both lost a good amount of weight :)

..but you have to stick to the plan...!

Good luck!

11-04-08, 16:31
If You Stick To Points System You Will Defo Lose Weight I Joined After Having My Son 2 Years Ago And The Weight Dropped Off But Just Remember You Need To Have All Ya Points And Not Say Oh Ill Not Have Them All Today Maybe Ill Lose More This Does Not Work I Tryed This And Only Lost Half Pound That Week But I No You Can Carry 2 Points Over To The Next Day
Good Luck With The Weight Lose X

13-04-08, 19:54
I did it last year and lost 1.5stone in 3 months.

I have no will-power so if I can do it then anyone who gives it a good attempt can.

I found planning my meals for the day helped (I did the point system).

I would usually haveweetabix in the morning or porridge. Then at lunch time a tuna salad or rivitas and low fat cream cheese and a bag of snackerjacks and some fruit. I'd snack on fruit and veg in the day.

Then a healthy meal at evening and often had enough points for a kitkat.

I could also save point up for weekend treat ( wine and kettle chips!) so I never felt deprived.

But do watch your portion sizes and planning is the key to it. Good luck !

13-04-08, 20:10
I have anorexia and have only been out of hospital on a refeeding programme for a short while having been made very fat now so I find this kind of thread very triggering :weep:

13-04-08, 20:18
peach , I follow the slimming world one but my friend does ww to maintain her weight and has done really well with it .
Its all about balance really isnt it :yesyes: .

13-04-08, 20:41
WW is the only diet I lost weight on and I found it really easy to follow and it suited me as most fruit/veg are free points.

My advice - stay to the talks afterwards for more motivation and advice/support.

Good luck with it !

13-04-08, 21:56
I have anorexia and have only been out of hospital on a refeeding programme for a short while having been made very fat now so I find this kind of thread very triggering :weep:

Karen - could I suggest ( and this is meant in a very kind way and I am not having a go at you) that you do not read this type of post whilst you are feelign so brittle and low. I'd hate to feel I had contributed to any horrible thoughts oractions you make take as a result of reading this type of thread.

I am sure Peach posted this with no intentions of upsetting you but just wanting to know if anyone has followed this method to lose weight. Of which she has every right to ask as it is a Misc. section.

13-04-08, 22:29
Karen - could I suggest ( and this is meant in a very kind way and I am not having a go at you) that you do not read this type of post whilst you are feelign so brittle and low. I'd hate to feel I had contributed to any horrible thoughts oractions you make take as a result of reading this type of thread.
I am sorry if I have offended anyone because this isn't aimed at any individual or any specific post as such.

However, my thread about anorexia was locked recently and tonight I came on the forum and read this, so I am feeling a little upset. Sorry.

13-04-08, 22:34
Slimming World is also very good. I didn't even do it properly, but ended up eating "sections" of the diet, when house mates were on it, and I lost quite a few pounds without really doing too much.

I've had several friends who've lost with Weight Watchers too, just remember, that slow and steady weight loss is much more likely to be maintained after you finish the diet.

Good luck

13-04-08, 22:48
Oh can I also say that Rosemary Conley is good cos you get an exercise class as well as a diet plan.

I didn't follow her diet but the aerobic workout was fantastic and you don't have to get weighed - you can just do the exercise.

13-04-08, 22:58
For anybody who finds that their anxiety increases as a result of dieting, because their food intake is more limited, the GI Diet is also good.

The GI Diet can work for you as it keeps your blood sugars on a more even level, something that can fluctuate with other diets (although the Weight Watchers and Slimming World both us some of the GI principles).

14-04-08, 10:31
I am sorry if I have offended anyone because this isn't aimed at any individual or any specific post as such.

However, my thread about anorexia was locked recently and tonight I came on the forum and read this, so I am feeling a little upset. Sorry.

Karen - I wasn't aware of your thread being closed.... so that was very insensitive of me. I do apologise to you. Take good care Karen and behave yourself xxxxx

14-04-08, 10:38
Karen - I wasn't aware of your thread being closed.... so that was very insensitive of me. I do apologise to you. Take good care Karen and behave yourself xxxxx

No need to apologise and as I said my post wasn't aimed at any individual. I just find the topic triggering and also I was told one reason my thread was closed was because anorexia is not an anxiety condition and doesn't belong on an anxiety forum - but weight loss does? :shrug:

14-04-08, 11:48
Karen what you fail to understand at the moment is that it's not that anorexia is off limits as subjects go, it is your particular way of dealing with it that is becoming so upsetting.

To keep reading daily that someone has no intention of recovering is such a negative thing to read.

Someone said on your old thread that you should be allowed to post what you like because we all have a choice whether to read or not - well on that basis you have a choice whether to read this particular thread or not don't you.

Piglet :flowers:

14-04-08, 15:12
Someone said on your old thread that you should be allowed to post what you like because we all have a choice whether to read or not - well on that basis you have a choice whether to read this particular thread or not don't you.
Except that my thread was locked:shrug:

14-04-08, 17:06
:doh: !!!!!!!!!


14-04-08, 17:25
Hi Peach :D

My neice has followed a WW programme on line and has lost the weight that she set out to loose. She had tried lots of different diets before without success, she recommends WW to anyone.

All the best to you, good luck. :yesyes:


'Your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

14-04-08, 21:14
at the hospital today , I found out that the propranalol pills have put all the weight on me , the specialist said it does gain significant weight in most people :ohmy: . my first week on them i put on 3lb in a week !!! And that was whilst dieting. lol.
He said I need to eat less than when dieting :weep: .
any tips welcome :flowers:

14-04-08, 21:35
Zip on the mouth????????

Seriously the GI diet is quite good

Love joy

14-04-08, 22:57
Try bulking out meals with fresh veg.

When I make a curry, instead of just meat and sauce I add loads of veg like peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carrots - it goes much further and veggies are so low in calories anyway.

Jo xxxxx

15-04-08, 00:03
omg! what a response! i wasnt expecting this. ok, a huge thankyou for all the fantastic tips. ive lost 1 kilo- which im pretty happy with for the first week, and i totally agree that i dont feel starved at all! i even had a chocolate binge on sunday..hehehe..

ok, i really want to just say to you karen, im so sorry for what you have been going through, and although i had a bad case of both anorexia and bulemia when i was very young which took me a long time to recover from, im sure i dont understand what you have been through. this thread was most definatly in no way meant to hurt you. in the last 4 years since i got ibs and severe anxiety probs it made me quite house bound, as those of you who know me are aware of.. its taken me 3 years to get out of the house, get back to school- finish my degree, get some medical help, overcome my great fear of needles to do so, and now ive just achieved all this, and started a full time job, im trying to get my body back in shape. i am currently 20 kilos overweight- because of being house bound. so this is what im takling now, its not anxiety, but its definatly been all related for me.
so this is my story, well, part of anyway....some details are too distressing to talk about right now. but, im on the mend.

i really hope you keep going well now your out of hospital, and that you keep strong, even tho your thread was barred, im sure we all support you on here with your plight, just like im getting with mine. hugs to you and keep us posted with your progress ok?

being overweight is just as dangerous as beign underweight, ive been both, and experienced medical issues from both sides, both in extreme can be very dangerous, and living in such a jugding world, its very hard to learn to be content with what you have been born with. when i was too thin, i was praised that i 'looked' great, when in fact i was very ill, both in mind and my health. i was very weak and unhappy. then when i got chubby, i was laughed at and all the other nastyness that comes with being overweight. so i dont want to be thin or fat again, i just want to be healthy and learn to enjoy good qaulity food as a part of life and to learn that life can be so much more then it has been for me in the last few yrs.

ww has been good so far as its teaching me i can eat everything, just in moderation. so then i can get on with my life and enjoy some time without anxiety and illness for, even just a few months would be good.:)

15-04-08, 00:13
Hello Peach I dont think you need to apologise for your post sweety.People do not have to read posts if it upsets them.I look at the headings,if I find they will upset me I dont read them.:winks: All you wanted was some advise!!!!!:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

15-04-08, 00:52
Peach, I apologise to you because what I said was not fair. I was upset about something else and I could've chosen not to read this thread.

I wish you well and just hope you follow a healthy diet :hugs: I know first hand how these things can get addictive.

I'll stay away from this thread in future. Sorry again.

Karen x