View Full Version : Tierdness

11-04-08, 14:04
Hi , Gawd im posting alot today haha,

Does anyone feel tierd 24/7 ? No matter how much sleep i get not to much i must say but even when i get the right amount i still feel tierd:( hate it.

Thanks Rick

11-04-08, 14:07
YEP!!! I get up at between 7 - 8am and i am exhausted and ready to sleep by 9.30am. This continues throughout the day, everyday.

You're not alone.


11-04-08, 14:54
Me to.I feel drowsy in the afternoons.:hugs:

11-04-08, 15:30
Yep I'm the same, sat down for 10 minutes at 1.45pm to read the paper and guess what I've just woken up! With me its because I have so many nights where I don't sleep well with the constant anxiety, hot sweats etc. that suddenly it all catches up with me and I could sleep for England. Best Wishes.

11-04-08, 16:53
I sleep fairly well but if I have to get up early then I'm tired after a couple of hours and could sleep for England

Hope 2
11-04-08, 17:38
Hi Rickloader / folks :D

I can sleep and sleep and sleep . Anytime of day or night even if I just woke up I can fall asleep again within an hour . I try not to sit anywhere comfy in the day cos I will just end up catching Zzzzz's . It annoys me big time cos I feel I am wasting my life away when I am sleeping too much , but if I dont have any 'extra's' I am exhausted even tho I may not have done any activity . So then I have no motivation .......... bet u get the idea eh lol .

Maybe I just need a massive :buttkick: eh .

ta ta 4 now
Hope xx

11-04-08, 19:07
Yes that's me too. I think mine isn't helped by blood pressure tabs and I know when I've been on anti d's I have also felt really tired. I also suffer from fibromyalgia/polymyalgia which also leaves me with periods of exhaustion. Oh yes and then there are the night sweats and looking after a six year old add to this the effects of rushes of adrenaline when I panic (lots of the time) its really a miracle that I'm ever awake.lol

11-04-08, 19:48
I can sleep for england, especially the weeks before i got told I had Low B12. It's getting better but i generally feel tired most days even though i only work part time.

12-04-08, 00:58
i often get moments particularly late afternoon where i am overwhelmed by sudden tiredness, to begin with i thought it was a mid afternoon slump caused by carb intake at lunchtime etc but as time has gone on and i am following a healthy eating plan i am still having these 4pm or 5pm slumps where i feel i could just shut my eyes and lie down, any place any where. After much analysis and thought my only theory right now is that its also between 4pm and 5pm that i am at my most relaxed - as in i am either leaving work for the day or preparing to leave work and i think that its my body telling me that i have coped with the day and its time to have a little break and in a sense this tiredness is forcing relaxtion on me - does that make sense?

14-05-08, 19:23
I am weary not long after waking up and my head feels full of cotton wool, and i sleep like a baby. I always get a mid afternoon slump i find when i am busier -as with most things- i dont feel the tiredness the same

15-05-08, 07:59
I nearly posted a thread on tiredness myself!! The last three days I have been so tired it has been scary. I believe a number of circumstances including a downturn in my depression have contributed to it. Tuesday night, I had to go to bed at 8pm!! I get intermittent sleep most of the time and tend to wake up early but haven't been feeling really "awake" until about 4pm. I feel a bit better this morning which is good, and I hope everyone who has posted on this thread does too.


13-06-08, 14:24
i also feel fatigued all the time , i feel like my legs wont support me and like i can breathe as if im suffocating , this feeling is with me 24/7. The doc is convinced its all anxiety related. I use to be very phsically fit and use to run 4 times a week now i can even jog for 30 seconds, If i did im sure i keel over and die or feel serverly unwell.

13-06-08, 16:37
Me too, I think it is because our minds are so active.

13-06-08, 16:41
im same tired all time no energy whatsoever

13-06-08, 20:14
I get up at 5am Mon - Fri and go on the treadmill for 30mins before work, that really gives you energy for the day ahead, along with a decent breakfast.

Here is a really good breathing exercise that will make your energy levels explode, Just try it for 10 days, 3 times per day.

You should breathe in this ratio:

Inhale for 1 count.
Hold for 4 counts.
Exhale for 2 counts.

Example: if you inhale for 4 seconds, you hold for 16 and exhale for 8. Do sets of 10 breathes, 3 times a day spread out through the day. While staying within your comfort zone, progressively increase your seconds count to develop greater lung capacity.

13-06-08, 20:29
ive tried all sorts of breathing excercises they are not hapenning for me unfort

13-06-08, 20:34
ive tried all sorts of breathing excercises they are not hapenning for me unfort
Do some exercise, Go for a walk/run/cycle first thing in the morning, just litterally get up, get dressed and get out that door

13-06-08, 20:35
i cant get out the door but i do go on the wii

13-06-08, 20:39
i cant get out the door but i do go on the wii
Well better than nothing, Get a bit of a sweat worked up first thing in the morning, Exercising in the morning gets the body up and going for the day ahead.

13-06-08, 20:40
What do you suggest for us agoraphobics that can't get out???

13-06-08, 20:42
thats why i cant get out also bluebell

13-06-08, 20:44
What do you suggest for us agoraphobics that can't get out???
Pleanty of SEX:yesyes: :yesyes: No but seriously do what I did, Buy a treadmill or exercise bike, There really is no excuse,

13-06-08, 20:47
i disagree im afraid im a bit not with it in mornings due to medication so not as easy as you are making out lol

13-06-08, 21:40
I have been very tiered and had loads of sleep, but it just never helps I wake up tired and I have so much to get up for so much to do, things I really enjoy doing I push myself though the whole day, its like trying to climb a mountain agaist the strongest winds and at the end of the day my whole body hurts and aches, when i get up in the morning i ache and can bearly walk and so again i push myself all over again. But you know what Iam saying:winks:

14-06-08, 00:35
i also feel fatigued all the time , i feel like my legs wont support me and like i can breathe as if im suffocating , this feeling is with me 24/7. The doc is convinced its all anxiety related. I use to be very phsically fit and use to run 4 times a week now i can even jog for 30 seconds, If i did im sure i keel over and die or feel serverly unwell.

You could be describing me! I'm okay around the house but when I go outside even for a short walk I feel as though my legs are weak and I'm gasping for breath. I too used to run but now I can barely walk down the road. Yet walking round the house is no problem. I have agrophobia but do go out. It's just the panic and feelings of suffocation that I know I'll get that put me off doing so.