View Full Version : Vision problems now

11-04-08, 14:53
Hi all

Last week, you were all very kind and calmed me down when I was panicking and feeling dizzy - thank you. My kids were all ill, I was run down, sleep deprived and seriously lacking in adult company - I think this all led to my panic.

However, the dizzy spells have left me obsessing about my vision. I no longer feel dizzy but it has really made me home in on how I seethings and I am convinced now that I have a problem with my left eye. It's not that I can't see properly as such - I don't have floaters or double, peripheral or even blurred vision. It just seems not quite right - I can't really put my finger on it. It's almost like I have looked at a bright light for a minute and still have a slight shadow in my vision. I think I am obsessing about it. I am scrutinising it all the time. I hada wisdom tooth out on that side just after Christmas and half of it is still in there and causing a few problems at the moment with facial and head pain and ringing ears. I keep convincing myself that it is that and then suddenly panicking that it is more serious. Then I google the symptoms for brain tumors etc

I am going on holiday tomorrow morning and I really want to have a nice relaxing time but I am afraid that this is going to ruin it. Most of the time, I can convince myself that it is nothing to worry about - I have made a dentist and an opticians appointment for when I get back.

Please help to convince me that it is not a brain tumor!!! Help!!:ohmy:

11-04-08, 14:59
Im sure its not a brain tumour sweety.Bad bad move googling.There are so many things with similar symptoms could be anything.If your tooth is causing you problems it could well be that,Im sure its nothing serious.Getting stressed out wont help you.Go on your holiday and enjoy yourself,you will probably find when you take your mind of it it will go away.:hugs:

13-04-08, 21:16
I am convinced now that I have a problem with my left eye. It's not that I can't see properly as such - I don't have floaters or double, peripheral or even blurred vision. It just seems not quite right - I can't really put my finger on it. It's almost like I have looked at a bright light for a minute and still have a slight shadow in my vision. I think I am obsessing about it.
That is word for word how I feel at the moment! I keep closing each eye in turn to compare :wacko:

I've been in a bit of a state for about 2 months now. My limbs keep aching (just like flu) and I've had tinglings and a really tense neck that spreads into my head. I've had a couple of goes at the osteopaths (he has been very reassuring) but as soon as I'm back on my own I start flapping again! Sorry I don't have anything to add to actively help you but is nice to hear of someone else in the same boat. I wish you well.

13-04-08, 22:31
Google can be the worst thing to look at sometimes! I know how it feels to almost obsess over something you feel isnt right, but thinking about it inevitably just makes you feel worse :hugs:
i can sympathise so much with your situation as i always have something i think is up with me. But the weirs thing is, the moment i push it to the back of my mind is the moment it just... dissapears. The feeling wont last forever, just try to focus on more positive things in your life and keep yourself busy.
I hope you feel better soon hun :) I know you will!
