View Full Version : Winter Vomiting Bug

11-04-08, 15:06
I posted a few days ago that my husband and friend both had come down with this-plus others in my village - guess what 48hrs later I got it which was yesterday morning.

It truly is the worst thing I have ever caught. I won't go into detail but I was finding it very difficult to make the 30 steps from sofa to toilet without a nappy! Talk about runs like water.

My husbands runs improved at end of second day and now 4 days later his tummy is almost back to normal but he is totally wiped out - if he tries to get up and about he comes over all faint and hot.

I still have the racing heartbeat which my husband says comes and goes by day 3 but this is worrying me thinking the virus has affected my heart!

Anyone else had this and how long before back to normal??

11-04-08, 15:22
Did you have severe vomiting too? I've heard many people have either one or the other...not both! My son just had the runs, i my ex had both and i had just the runs.

I would say it takes at least 5 - 7 days to fully recover.

Hope you feel better soon.

11-04-08, 18:45
Stressing about another symptom of this bug - the terrible watery runs have eased but I now have awful headache- pressure at top of head that is painful if I bend head down or move suddenly. I remember having this for a day last time I had one of these bugs and my husband said he just had bad head pressures but of course I read that you can get viral meningitis from gastroenteriris bugs!!!!!!!!

Why do I do this?

11-04-08, 18:51
I am pleased to say (not pleased that you have it) that the headache is perfectly normal to go along with this illness. I had such a terrible terrible headache and of course, because of having an upset stomach, i wasn't able to take painkillers. It was bad.

12-04-08, 14:11
I had this bug on top of the flu which completely wiped me out. I can honestly say that I've never felt so ill in my life before. It was this that started my panic attacks off again and left me feeling weak and miserable. You must keep hydrated. Get some Dirolyte or drink flat coke, as someone said earlier. You'll feel better if you can drink fluids. Don't worry about food. Your appetite will come back when you're better.


12-04-08, 15:06
Hug thanks everyone so nice to know you are all there. I am on day 3 now and my husband said on day 3 he felt dreadful, head wise, everytime he tried to get up and do something he went faint, dizzy and felt like wobbly lead! He was right. Its the weirest feeling like you have been drugged or are very drunk with wobbly legs and a feeling as if you head is going to explode if you move around - not a headache as such and I also feel like I am tingling all over inside and out. As my husband said he felt dreadful at this stage too I am not feaking too much at least not yet. Husband is now on day 5 and although eating drinking and going to loo okay he still has stomach cramps and still feels totally wiped out - he is someone who is never still so for him to be zonked means he must be bad.

I have finally been able to eat something today and have been drinking for past 2 days so know I am not dehydrated. I have lost 4lbs in 3 days though! Added to the weight I lost after my op just over 2 weeks ago i am now half a stone lighter but what a way to lose weight.

I am wondering if this is just the norovirus or if its a different gastric flu virus as everyone is so ill for so long with it - my friend who is like husband on day 5 is still wiped out and as she is self employed and deosn't earn if she doen't work she must be bad.

yuk yuk yuk

miss diagnosis
13-04-08, 14:34
hi. i had this in jan and i have to say it is the worst thing i ever had
I actually got it twice one week after the other. i went to the doc and got two loads of meds but it took me 2 weeks to get back to normal.
just eat as much as u can (good excuse!) and get LOADS of rest.
make sure u dont do anything much for at least two days after u feel better cos its easy to relapse