View Full Version : Should just stop reading full stop!

11-04-08, 16:26
I was having a browse through The Sun today, and stumbled accross a story about a woman who was suffering from something and her son bought her some calpol so I thought it was going to be a sweet story...HOW WRONG WAS I....it was about a woman who was pregnant having a brain hemmorage and died! freak out delux!!!

I spent the rest of my day stressing over this as she was only 26 ok but she was a mother of 6 and pregnant with 7...but still, then I made the mistake of looking it all up and have worried myself stupid convinced that I am waiting for a brain hemmoragie to happen at any minute! I just wish I could calm my nerves, it's like one of those things, if there was a test for it I would take it regardless of the test because it's my BIGGEST fear. I am just so depressed by it and I don't want to spend my life worrying if something is going to go pop in my head. So many people live normal lives with no problems and I know the stats are so low but still it seems to be everywhere at the moment. I have heard of a handfull of young people dying of this and it scares me. But how do I get that fear out of my head..I need a distraction.

Just thought I would share my thoughts and see if anybody had something encouraging for me I am hitting a low. I don't even want to have another baby in fear of this.

Take care,

11-04-08, 16:34
Oh I am so with you on this one.

I read something on the yahoo news page last week that really upset me like that - trouble is some info you can't be selective about can you.

I do have a box of affirmation cards with one that says to guard outside influences and only surround yourself with things that have a positive effect - if the magazine or tv programme don't resonate with good vibes then switch em off ie; protect the personal space in your head.

I absolutely support this and try and do it most conciously but even so you still come across stuff you'd rather have not known about don't you.

Have a hug and try and think 'I am not going give anything that lowers my mood space in my head'.

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-04-08, 17:17
Aww I am really sorry to hear you are feeling like this. I can totally sympathise cos i am just the same.
The other week i was reading through our local paper and there was a young girl there that had a lump in her neck and lo and behold when she went for the blood tests it was lymphoma. I felt sooooo upset for her and her family when i read it but it is also my BIGGEST FEAR(if you read my other posts) and i had to keep telling myself to calm down.
I honestly havent read a paper since and that was about 2 months ago!!!
I know that being anxious about our health is sooo awful.
Please try not to worry ------it is a really sad story but it wont happen to you!!Try and put on some relaxing music or a funny film and just relax.I know how hard it all is though.

12-04-08, 05:28
Why do you think you see these things in the paper? BECAUSE THEY ARE RARE AND HARDLY EVER HAPPEN, that's why they are interesting enough to write about. I'm a fine one to talk after the things I've got myself into a state about, but papers just love sensations like this, it sells the papers!

12-04-08, 18:41
Thank you for the replies, it does make sense what everybody has says I just can never see the sun through the clouds sometimes...

Not feeling 100& today but I think the tiredness of the week and stress has caught up with me.

Hope everybody is having an Anx free weekend :)

12-04-08, 23:42
i agree with cattttt on this one.

However, when our negativity and vulnerability is at its worst its hard to convince yourself that this won't happen to you. I think at times we all fear we will be that one in 10,000 that has that condition or the patient that our gp does a wrong diagnosis on. And of course there is always someone who will fuel our worries by saying "oh yes my friends aunties next door neighbours nephew's cat had those pains and he died".

The press will never report on random run of the mill deaths, they all want the sensationalism of a shocking story.

I have a huge fear in general of sudden death - strokes, annuerysms etc and a few months ago these thoughts preoccupied my life , now that i am feeling a bit better i can be more positive about it and i just keep telling myself that if i am going to be the unlucky person that this happens to - then no amount of worrying or preparation will stop it - it could happen and if it does it will be over in a few minutes - or i can worry myself ill about it in the meantime and its more likely i will bring on a heart attack due to my stress levels !!

I wish everybody well with their journeys and everday battles - it aint easy but we will get there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-04-08, 12:22
The thing is, if you were to have had a brain hemorrhage, you wouldn't have felt it,
and you wouldn't have been aware of it, so what is it exactly that you were fearing
and worrying about?

How aware are you of the good feelings in your body right now?

13-04-08, 12:36
Hi Janie

I have stopped buying papers/magazines. I dont read news on the internet either, just because I get upset by things so easily.

We had the news on the TV the other week and a girl had died protecting her b/f who was being beaten up. She was only 14 and so pretty, looked like such a caring girl. I was nearly in tears by the end of the news report.

Maybe you shouldnt read newspapers anymore, I cut them out and it helped me a lot :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

13-04-08, 12:43
Hi Jane

Oh i never buy newspapers, i watch the news very seldom, and i sometimes goto the bbc website and catch up.

I had flu a couple of christmas's ago and it was my sister who rung me, and said we had a petrol strike and we had to go in my car and find someplace to buy petrol, i was full of flu couldn't careless, but we still drove to many garages for petrol, and we had to go further a field to buy some at a stupid price.

But the day later the strike was off, stories and news can get way over the top by the reporters.

That story about that girl was a one off, having a baby is a beautiful thing, she had 6 already so she also thought having babies was a lovely thing to do.

Jane you have a loving heart, just add that to the list of wonderful things about yourself!!!

And sadly in life stuff happens like that.


miss diagnosis
13-04-08, 14:28
my doctor actually forbade me to read "take a break" or anything like that. i was on holidays once and read an artical about some girl who had skipped a smear,then got the all clear and next time she had a massive tumor the doctor could actually see when she looked up. she died and they had a picture of her in the coffin and everything. needless to say this freaked me out for about 2 years. even though the chances of a false negative are less then 1%. people die from common things all the time. you never read stories about people living long healthy lives and dying peacfully age 99! cos they dont sell papers and magz! sure a while ago sky news had me freaked out about a massive storm that was going to destroy all of dublin. I boarded up the windows and everything that night!it was a bit windy but thats about it!

News and magazines instill terror in us. so try and read happy things. just cos it happens to someone somewhere does not mean its going to happen to u.

14-04-08, 08:37
thank you! everything is so inspiring
I guess it only takes the current credit crush/housing market to see what kind of role the media tend to play on our lives.

Today I feel much better, it takes a while to come out of these ruts last night I couldn't sleep but managed to drift off. Today I am feeling a lot more upbeat hopefully I can retain this feeling for longer this time :)