View Full Version : my symptoms, can anyone help?

11-04-08, 16:43
i feel like a crazy person writing this but here goes..

i get very anxious over all sorts of things, there are loads of different things that cause me anxiety. and one at a time they pop up. at the time, the one thing that pops up seems like the biggest scariest horrible thing ever and that it will never leave me and all the other "thoughts" seem like nothing. then that thought goes (not completely but i try to tell my mind its nothing worth getting anxious over) sometimes after a few hours. sometimes it doesnt go away for a week or something! then another one of my regular thoughts pops up and it goes the same way, feeling like THAT is the most horrible thing ever. :unsure: im too scared to write my thoughts on here in case they come true :( in my head i know they wont though :S

i rarely get relief from these unwanted thoughts, they just take it in turns to pop into my head and sometimes they turn into panic attacks and i feel down and sick and cant function. sometimes i just feel a bit down but cope with them a bit better.

i also feel that if i dont do certain things, i will have a panic or bad things will happen. like if i dont wash my hands, put the soap down, then put it up and wash my hands again. and i feel like i have to confess everything to my partner or parents. like if i didnt put sudocrem on my baby after one nappy change, or if i said hello to a boy when i went round the shops. i will probably feel the need to confess i have joined this site, but im hoping not. as that, and all my other things dont need confessing.

what on earth is wrong with me, i feel loopy! i want to get rid of all my triggers and thoughts! i felt like this before having a baby but its gone worse since ive had her! Health visitor said could be PND but i dont think so.

sorry to go on and there is probably more but this will do for now! apologies again!:)

12-04-08, 22:00
i kinda understand where you're coming from.
im like that with my partner since ive been suffering - i have to tell him everything i do - like if i get a text message from an ex boyfriend i have to say 'wondering why hes texting me' or 'guess who has just texted me
but i also think really weird things, i get get really paranoid about everything.
im guessing you're not the only one.
chin up
jessie x

13-04-08, 00:03
it sounds a bit like slight OCD. Have you gone to your doctor about it? there are lots of things they can give you that might help. I found my anitdepressants helped stop a lot of these unwanted thoughts, as a pleasant side effect to stopping my depression as well. These sorts of thoughts can also be a symptom of depression.

13-04-08, 08:42

I would agree with Seeker, it does sound like mild OCD.

I have a similiar trait, in that if I think of something bad (car crash for instance) I have to touch wood 3 times to make it go away.

You might have GAD, the general anxiety disorder where you spend time worrying over lots of things nevermind how trivial.

I would have a chat to your GP about it if it is becoming bothersome.

Good luck


13-04-08, 12:46
:) hi guys - there is a proper term for thoughts causing anxiety attacks, sorry though forgot what it is and obviously when my therapist mentioned it last year i was a little worried to hear what she was saying:blush: but i dont think this is the same as ocd? but ultimately form what ive learnt you can have some or all of these disorders running together - thats called co-morbid and i think its very common. so you may have GAD, then this can develop into panic disirder then into agoraphobia which in turn can have an element of social phobia and also you may have unwanted scary thoughts - like you are going to hurt someone or shout something out in public? (one part of ocd).

when you are highly anxious this all happens together without you realising it and it is very distressing - focussing on getting the anx down will releive these symptoms be they anxiety through thoughts or anxiety through social contact or anxiety caused by going out of your safe place? take care, emma:flowers:

14-04-08, 15:34
thanks for the replies :) i have been to a doctor once 4 years ago about my panic attacks and he just said to breathe. this year my Health visitor spoke to him and he said to come and see him and he would "give me something to calm me down" not sure if that would help? and i wouldnt know what to say about the thoughts he would think ive gone mad

14-04-08, 21:47
The root of all anxiety and panic is based on insecurity. Until you can get yourself to feel more secure, then anything can seem a threat.

15-04-08, 09:57
:yesyes: i feel this is probably part of the truth, but not sure its 100% true to be the sole reason - because panic and anxiety are also a habit and can be caused by negative self-talk and some ppl arent insecure. however we are financially insecure right now and strangely that is making me less anxious than when i was financially secure - which was for 7 years- because it is giving me the motivation i need to get out there, get a life ( i say get a life referring to me only for anyone who thinks im referring to them!!! as i have never had what you would call a 'proper' job - ive never worked full time or had a job with benefits, so this is what i mean, and for me only at this point in my life this does signify a life -as its something ive never done, maybe actually getting a 'life'ie a job will show me its not a 'life' but only part of a life:blush: ) and get a job and start contributing to the household income:yesyes: but i still feel anxious:wacko: